Might not be obvious but given both node & GW at house make sure there is good seperation between them - preferably with an absorber such as a wall between them. Look to be >>3m ideally >10m away. to avoid ‘shouting’ in the receivers ears! (Good tip is make sure RSSI is < -45dbm, ideally <-50dbm for reliable consistent operation, and to reduce ‘near far’ problem with more remote nodes.
Erm, dont! (This is not recommended in V3, as stack seeks greater compliant and ‘correct’ behaviour and MAC instruction handling - search the forum and you will see why and lots of discussion!
- Use a well established and more mature libray such as MCCI’s LMIC instance, or others that get well rated on the forum (search is your freind once again…), such as LMIC-node | One example to rule them all