MAP of TTN gateways

Hi Adam, I like the tool but from my 1st post I am doubtful wrt accuracy/scope. I was surprised my % showed so high. Since your changes I have checked again and it still correctly shows 24 GW’s registered under my user id - there are many more under various clients and other users but there are 25 registered under my own id with 1 currently down due to a long term failed solar power controller that should get replaced next week or so. With typically ~>500 GW’s operational in UK I ‘own’ ~5% of in country network…dashboard on map shows me around 2.4/2/5% of global EU_868 which seems way high as UK only a small part of total EU _868 deployment?
If I look at total TTN map and all freq it shows I have around 1.7% across all frequencies - again way high?

It’s great to have the 'bragging right’s but feels wrong at this time as suspect data is not reflecting all GW’s either globally or by freq band…

…what does does stand out is the sheer number of illegal GW’s operating around the world! - Wrong Freq in Wrong Territories - am sure not all of these are behind Faraday Cages in test labs :wink: :open_mouth: :see_no_evil:

Any chance for an option to slice by country?

Good job…please keep developing! :slight_smile: