LPS8 and LDS03A - Range

The gateway connector is damaged. Best way forward is to replace it because this is going to stay an issue.

I’d bet you’re right. I may just order a new in the box lps8 and go from there. At least I’ll know if it was ever ran without the antenna etc by me and it should be in a known good state new. I’ll report back with updates. Thanks again - you guys have been FANTASTIC in helping me troubleshoot this.

ok - reporting back in - I ordered a brand new lps8 - got it in - exact same problem (and I made sure not to run it without the antenna mounted). So I assumed then it had to be a bad lds03a sensor unit - dragino agreed and sent me a brand new one which arrived last night. Still have very low rssi this morning with all new equipment - aka - no change with everything new.

Curious…I run Ruckus wifi aps for my wifi - I can assume these should have no bearing on rssi - but asking for grins. I also run a zwave network here (which is pretty extensive) - could it be interfering?

Otherwise - I’m lost. I don’t understand why rssi is always in the -120’s to -130’s even when the lps8 is one room over from me (like 10’ or so) - I have not programmed anything on the LDS03A - just plugged it in and let it register this morning. The lps8 is using 915 - band 2 I think.

Anything in the setup I should look at - I feel like I’ve ruled out bad equipment.

Thanks again ahead of time for any help offered!

Be sure! - Also just noticed your node picture - look at the label on the LoRaWAN module - big clue - possible to run off frequency as underlying chip tech will support - but one symptom is then much poorer signal strength as antenna & matching all wrong! (clue US915 also covers a much lower range of frequencies as well and guess where band 2 is!..)

@Jeff-UK - I’m a tad lost by your response - I follow to a point but not 100%

I’m including the join request from the new unit - does this help determine the sub band?

    • frequency:905300000
    • modulation:“LORA”
    • :arrow_forward:

loRaModulationInfo:{} 4 keys
* bandwidth:125
* spreadingFactor:10
* codeRate:“4/5”
* polarizationInversion:false

  • dr:0

Under software control you have instructed the node to use the lower Band 2 - which the Semtech device can support no issue - the problem is your node is actually likely for the AS/AU923 or AU915 band - and will have its antenna matching components, and likely the ant itself optimised for 915-923… TX/Rx efficiency will be much impaired - but not impossible - at 905.3Mhz - likely >40-60+ db down on where it should be. You hardware doesnt match what the application is trying to do! Sorry…

I think it should be the right model based on the box at least - unless the had the wrong unit in the box.

Mis packs, and even misconfigured builds, are not unknown in the industry! I bought a bunch of 868Mhz EU TTIG’s a while back and 1 just refused to work - box was correct, label on device was correct…only when I ripped apart and trashed it did I see a tiny SMD resistor on the edge of board showing 915 vs 868 config! S4!t happens :slight_smile: (Yes I got a refund!! :wink: )

@Jeff-UK - ok this is the cfg from the AT+CFG command: (blanks were removed by me like keys etc)

It shows a US915 at least hardware wise.

AT+DEUI=a8 40 41 2e 91 84 7e ec
AT+DADDR=01 84 7e ec
AT+APPEUI=a8 40 41 00 00 00 01 01
AT+NWKID=00 00 00 00
AT+VER=v1.1 US915
AT+TIMESTAMP=2021-11-12 T00:21:28
Use default channel

Ok why you no listen! ? That is just S/w and output from S/w - the device will do what you tell it to do and could be that though a 915-923 h/w build it was programmed/configured with US915 firmware it still wont work as a 905.3Mhz device with any efficiency - as evidenced by your abissmal RSSI figures…I would be inclined to go with the label on the module as likely a mis pick for the subsequent build of the node system - sorry can’t say/advise any more other than get it replaced with a known good/confirmed US915 device - possibly a cheap unit from an alternate manufacturer so you know we arent all going mad :slight_smile:

lol - I promise I’m listening - steep learning curve here as I’m totally new to this. I can see about a different manufacturer for another node. Is there a recommended brand that everyone really likes? I’ll need a US915 node of course. Any help on sourcing will be much appreciated. Thanks again for all the help and hanging in there with me!

Actualy yes… Dragino! :rofl: we often recommend the cheap door sensors as a simple low cost device test operation! :slight_smile:

forum search will yield many devices…

So I picked Dragino and this is how it’s going to be - lol - I’ll do some digging for another device. Thanks as always!

The really tricky thing for a recommendation is not knowing what you have available. There’s plenty out there at a reasonable price, but if it’s in the EU or the Far East, the carriage may tip it in to ‘expensive’. So probably best for you to get a short list of what you can get locally and check back in here for a bit of a vote.

I ended up grabbing one of these. LoRaWAN Door Sensor | Dragino LDS02 Helium | CHOOVIO USA

We’ll see where it goes. :slight_smile:

I got the LDA02 in yesterday - and setup - same results. I’ve been working with Dragino - they have looked at pics of both the LPS8’s I have (internal pics) as well as pics of the lds03a’s I have. They said the lps8’s look correct.

I’ve tried turning off wifi, turning off my philips hue and my zwave network - no change. Rssi is still in the -120-130’s - see screenshot for the lda02 attached.


Time to take it somewhere way out of range of the other RF devices to eliminate any possibility of interference.

Agreed - I was thinking quite similarly. I’ll see if I can do that sometime today and report in.

Ok I moved the lps8 to my barn (all wood sides - metal roof) - and took the lda02 with me to test. The barn is 30 by 30 - so I had the gateway on 1 side and the lda02 about 20’ from the lps8 - see results. No difference. :confused: The lps8 is setup for band 2 - just a quick note -



An RSSI of -131 and an SNR of -12.8 sounds like very weak signals, long distance or poor or no antennas, faulty modules etc.

If interferance was a major issue you might expect the SNR to be poor, but with a stronger RSSI.

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