LoRaWAN, Raspberry Pi Pico, HOPERF Module RFM95W, The Things Network V3

Please be aware that that TinyLoRa doesn’t receive any of the network commands that are sent by TTS so there are some configuration details that will reduce the gateway transmissions - you need to set all eight frequencies so that they repeatedly sent as a setup and ideally tune your data rate for the distance from the server - the stack may still try to send ADR commands but at least your DR will be good for the radio environment.

I haven’t revisited the Pico option of late, there wasn’t a feasible way to reduce sleep power consumption when on battery without too many shenanigans.

However my toolkit of modules has increased so it should be feasible to take this for a spin - if only to benchmark some edge ML libraries on the Pico which, with solar power (a rare event in Bolton), may make the Pico viable with some external timer chip.