I’m living in Brasil and like other countries, wireless electronic products need to be certified to be able to used them commercially. In Brasil this organ is called Anatel, I have been searching the internet for a gateway that is certified by Anatel, but without succes. Does someone know a gateway that is allowed to be used in Brasil?
Hello, I’m also from Brazil, I have read that some lora modules are already certified by Anatel. You can try to arrange a single channel packet forwarder with these modules.
In addition to the gateway being approved in Anatel has to be attentive to the SCM authorization.
For base radio station, it is not necessary to license the stations, but their operation must be supported by a telecommunications service authorization, even if the license is dispensed.
Is there any news about gateways or lorawan transceivers approved by the anatel? On the website of the anatel I only find the homologation certificate of RFM95 / 96/97/98.