LoRa End Node can‘t receive the downlink message

Hey guys,I met a problem which is shown in fig below
In the red box,you can see that the end node had sent the join request to gateway and gateway forwarded to network successfully
In the blue box,it shows that the network sent the join accept to gateway.
But my lora end node can’t receive this accept message so that it shows join failed in the com5.

Does anyone know the reason?

actually,my device works properly when the network in 3.18.2 and it doesn’t work when the network updated.I don’t know whether it’s the reason

Looks like your node is to close to the gateway. RSSI -11dB is rather strong, the receiver of the node might be overloaded.

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Actually the distance between my node and the gateway is almost the same.
This picture was shot on April 11.
at that time they work properly and the TTN is in 3.18.2 version.
And you can see the rssi is -18dB.
But when the TTN updated to 3.19 version.My device can’t work.
I am sure that the program in node is the same.

guys,if you can’t see the picture clearly,you can enlarge it in browser with Ctrl + mouse wheel

We’re having serious problems with our crystal balls here lately so it might help if you provide ALL details about “my lora end node” yourself.

My node is HELTEC’s ESP32+SX1276 in 863Mhz~928Mhz.
I run a OTTA example from HELTEC in it.
It’s very sad that i did nothing but they can’t receive the downlink message(join-accept).
In addition,the gateway can receive the uplink successfuly, which means the RF module works.
It’s so bad that i can’t find the bug because i did nothing!!!

Your reply still lacks many essential details.
Have a look at other topics and posts on the forum for good examples of what information to provide. It has been said too often before to waste any more time on it here, again.

And also be very precise. E.g. it’s still unclear which end node hardware exactly you have. See Big ESP32 topic for more information.


I’m sorry because i’m a rookie for this community.
This is my node’s picture.
Hope you can find any essential details.

it just the normal heltec’s lora32 node.
I can’t understand what details you still need.

That is because you do not follow up advice given:

Please, do some (serious) reading on the forum yourself first.

This forum is run by users and volunteers spending their free time. This is not a paid TTI product support forum where you will be guided with essential basic questions. So please do some homework on the forum yourself and provide as much relevant information possible.

Start reading here: Big ESP32 + SX127x topic part 3

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I have read it.
I am very sorry because i still don’t know what details i should offer.
such as:
Board:Heltec Wifi LoRa 32 V2 with oled
modules: SX1276
like this?
I think we don’t have to discuss the format if you can know what i said.
Or you can teach me directly.
I know this is a free forum,so I’d appreciate it if you could help me.
I am very sorry for any offence.

Maybe the load on the input stage of the device has reached breaking point - I’ve hardly ever seen an RSSI under -30.

Do you have another device to try?


I try to make my node away from the gateway.
And this time the uplink message’s rssi is -53dB.
And the gateway shows the downlink message sent successfully.
But I seem not to know the downlink message’s rssi
Can you see other useful information through this picture?

No, not at all, as forum guidelines ask that you post any text as text formatted with the </> tool.

But as you were getting the RSSI off the console and now you have what appears to be a terminal screen, maybe you need to look at the console?

PS, I don’t have a wheel on my mouse, so no, I can’t use Ctrl-wheel and I’m not keen on peering at pixellated text. Try to make it easy for us to help you.

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On a MAC?! Or PC/Linux box with no wheel…

Can also try right click → open in new tab - should show enlarged view :wink:

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I’m very sorry to bother you guys.
But I have already found my problem.
It is probably because my input voltage is not stable enough.
I just touched my plug and It’s very hot.
so I put it into another socket and it works.
What a stupid bug!

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You took a power supply running hot and put it in a different socket and it worked? Maybe it cooled down enough to stabilise.

But just so anyone else who reads this as a potential solution, a power supply running hot is a precursor to having an electrical fire. If it’s hot to the touch, throw it away.

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Thats serious.

The current flowing at mains voltage to supply a node or gateway should be quite low and not enough to cause serious heating of a plug or socket, even if the contacts were bad.

Now on the other hand if you were running a kettle or electric fire from the socket …

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It probably because my power supply equipment is not very suitable for :joy:
Fortunately, the problem has been solved

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