FYI, the real name and version of that board is TTGO LoRa32 V2.1.6.
“TTGO Esp32 Paxcounter v2.1 1.6” is just some fancy marketing name to make it look more special (and it comes default loaded with the Paxcounter firmware).
You can find more information about these and other ESP32 LoRa boards in the Big ESP32 + SX127x topic part 3 topic.
LMIC-node was just recently released so you may not be able to find an extended version of it yet with exactly the pieces added that you are looking for.
The strength of LMIC-node is that it is a cross-platform LoRaWAN example that works with many boards. Adding specific sensors would break the generic character and will only work for those sensors.
It will probably be easier to learn from other, simpler (non-LoRaWAN) example programs and then copy the logic for reading those sensors (e.g. BME280) and extend LMIC-node with that functionality.
But you should be prepared for several learning curves (e.g. programming, Arduino, reading sensors, writing output, LoRaWAN).
I noticed a fork of LMIC-node called WeatherStn-2021. Maybe it can help you in the right direction (I haven’t checked it and am not aware which sensor(s) it supports).