Location by triangulation

[quote=“arjanvanb, post:47, topic:435”]
from the Kickstarter Project Update #9:

[ ... ]

Or option 2. Stick to our deadline, and stick to the current reference design we have always been using, make it the cheapest, best working, plug and play, open source LoRaWAN gateway available to start building this network.

We choose option 2 because we are not prepared to accept an uncertain delay for an uncertain design feature; leading us to the conclusion that the use of the GPS chip for this purpose in our gateway has been rendered useless.


@wienke, from my point of view, it’s a pity that you people choose for option 2.

“The Things Network” is/ will be only successful due to their communities. Anno 2016 those communities are groups of early adaptors. People who have a click with LoRa / IoT. The mob will not follow the next year.

And being realistic; In the coming years, these communities are only active in crowded areas. The big city’s or the bigger suburb’s. In these areas, everyone has his own router connected to (fast) internet. So the possibility to ‘connect things’ is already available for citizens. You can easily, if necessary, buy a IoT home router. For Example: ASRock X10 facilitates ZigBee as well as LoRa.

For me, the most added value for an initiative as “The Network thing” is, by far, geolocation.
Once people placed a € 250.00 (ex VAT) gateway, their enthusiasm to replace a newer model after a (few) year(s) is off course very low.

You never get a second change to make a first impression.