LMIC oslmic.c.53 Error in ESP8266 NodeMCU-12F and SX1276 Context

First the solution: You were absolutely right. I still had an original packaged module and surprise, it works with the old an new sketch code :grinning:. It’s not always your own code’s fault…

Just to answer your questions:

Sure, a missing test case, but in the event of an error without a backup solution it wasn’t an option.

I found some posts about it, e.g. https://www.thethingsnetwork.org/forum/t/error-mcci-lorawan-lmic-library-3-0-99-src-lmic-oslmic-c-53/33401 which reference to the code line in oslmic. But I had no idea what to do with it.

void os_init() {
    if (os_init_ex((const void *)&lmic_pins))

However, thank you very much for the essential hint.
