LMIC-node not connecting to TTN

Have you actually compiled and uploaded the code? Or are you still running the example the hardware was shipped with?

@descartes is MCCI LMIC configured to use the right US subband by default?

I have compiled and uploaded this LMIC-node code to the Heltec Wifi LoRa32(V2) board

Yes, it’s set in the LMIC-node.cpp based on the correctly setup region setting I can see in the quoted platformio.ini - the function call is LMIC_selectSubBand(1); and yes, it’s zero indexed.

Rather than a seeing a dozen or more repeated serial lines that don’t say much the first time, the log file with the settings shown plus just a couple of the EV_JOIN_TXCOMPLETEs.

I’ve lost track, has anyone asked for the gateway log for evidence of actual radio transmission?

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Excellent. Are you sure your hardware is US915, not EU868 or even worse something 434MHz?

Can you please share?

As I can see your keys looks correct, your region is correct and you say you antennas are connected correctly. (We have recently seen a gateway connector broken. And that the antenna and gateway had the same connector, so it were not making contact).

Also are your gateway region and band set correctly?

I have no activity going on in either. and my gateway region is nam1 ( US) and US_902_928_FSB_1

Are you not suppose to use FSB_2?

As far a I understand LIMIC-node uses FSB_2


It does, it so very does. So the device is transmitting on FSB2 and the gateway is listening on FSB1 - no dice, no deal.

Thankfully you can just edit the entry for the gateway to the one that says FSB2 (used by TTN)

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wow thank you guys so much, this fixed the issue, I knew it had to be simple, but I had no idea. Thank you so much again.

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