Is there a ESP32 LoRaWAN board for battery operation?

If you want very low power consumption during deep sleep (in the uA range), then most of the current ESP32 LoRa boards will not be suitable for that (at all).

You may try a Heltec Wireless Stick Lite.
It has an advertised deep sleep current of 30 uA. (I don’t have personal experience with this board.)

Another possible option may be the TTGO T-Beam V1.0 (the most recent version). It uses a special power management chip that can enable/disable power for parts of the board. I am not aware of its lowest possible current during deep-sleep though. If you do not need the GPS then this board is relatively expensive.

Why an ESP32 LoRa board?

You may also try a Heltec CubeCell board (HTCC-AB01).
It uses only 8.5 uA during deep sleep (when powered by a LiPo or Li-ion battery via the battery connector), or 3.5 uA when directly powered to the 3.3V pin (e.g. powered by LiFeP04 battery).
This board is based on the ASR6501 chip which combines an ARM MCU with SX1262 LoRa tranceiver in a single chip and it supports development with the Arduino framework. Documentation is still sparse but code examples are available. I have not yet tried a SSD1306 display with the board yet.

I have a CubeCell board running for test. Powered by a 1200 mAh LiPo battery (true capacity is probably around 1000 mAh). It has transmitted already more than 59000 (3-byte) uplink messages on a single charge (and flashes the onboatd RGB LED during each transmit). I am not monitoring battery voltage so am unaware how much battery charge is still left.