I’m going through our database of messages trying to filter out duplicates. After marking the actual duplicates - exactly the same json as received from the MQTT topic recorded in the table more than once - I started looking at messages with the is_retry flag set to true.
Some of these are obviously confirmed uplinks where the ack was missed, and I can find those using framecounts or raw_payload content or whatever, and the json says it wants a confirmation.
But a random message I chose to examine wasn’t like this. I looked at the previous message for that deveui and it wasn’t a confirmed uplink.
The retry message is below. Any idea why it was marked as a retry, and why it seemed to be received through the same gateway twice?
I’m assuming the 10 minute time difference on the gateways is due to an incorrect setting on one of them as the prior message showed it also.
The only weird thing I see is that the counter value for both this message and the prior one, which was received minutes before this one, is “1”. I’m guessing a rejoin might have happened between the messages.
Is there enough info here to guess what’s happening or would I need gateway info or info from the console as well?
"port": 15,
"app_id": "cwn_tank_level",
"dev_id": "15",
"counter": 1,
"is_retry": true,
"metadata": {
"time": "2019-03-14T04:38:42.395469689Z",
"airtime": 370688000,
"gateways": [
"snr": -14.25,
"rssi": -95,
"time": "2019-03-14T04:47:03Z",
"gtw_id": "orange-ag-institute",
"channel": 3,
"altitude": 920,
"latitude": -33.32198,
"rf_chain": 1,
"longitude": 149.08578,
"timestamp": 2506235244,
"gtw_trusted": true,
"location_source": "registry"
"snr": 9.25,
"rssi": -24,
"time": "2019-03-14T04:47:03Z",
"gtw_id": "orange-ag-institute",
"channel": 0,
"altitude": 920,
"latitude": -33.32198,
"rf_chain": 0,
"longitude": 149.08578,
"timestamp": 2506235260,
"gtw_trusted": true,
"location_source": "registry"
"snr": 10,
"rssi": -70,
"time": "2019-03-14T04:36:58Z",
"gtw_id": "oai-multitech_02",
"channel": 0,
"latitude": -33.32246,
"rf_chain": 0,
"longitude": 149.08528,
"timestamp": 3233188364,
"gtw_trusted": true,
"location_source": "registry"
"data_rate": "SF10BW125",
"frequency": 922.4,
"modulation": "LORA",
"coding_rate": "4/5"
"payload_raw": "AbkACC5bASQ=",
"hardware_serial": "70B3D5CD000101B9"