Install Lorix One GW in less than 1 hour

that’s correct, this is exactly this step.
If you modified the file local_conf.json (such as setting email contact, gateway info) the opkg upgrade will replace it so you have 2 options:

  • modify the new file again to put your changes again
  • copy back the file you saved (on the lorix only) before by reverting the cp command to
    cp local_conf.json.ch2i local_conf.json

PS : If you didn’t touch the original file, don’t worry nothing to do :wink:

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It’s working!

Thanks for the quick help! Apart from my OTAA problems with the LoPy (which I do not think is the gateways fault) this is really a neat little gateway!

99% of OTAA issues are wrong appeui, deveui or appkey, check is all :wink:

I just received the new US915 version which is currently unlisted and waiting for FCC certs. I couldn’t be happier with the gw, so far it has been solid. The support from Wifx has been great and it really helps that the source code is open source and on github.

The installation was a breeze thanks to the tutorial from @Charles

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That’s fine you got US version from Sebastien :wink:

The LoRaWAN™ certification is only for end-nodes (aka sensors) at this stage, not gateways.

Nice guide, thanks a lot!
Does anyone know if there are firmware updates for Lorix One and how to get / install them?

Best regards

it’s a linux computer, you can update by

sudo opkg update
sudo opkg upgrade