How to Migrate Gateways from V2 to V3

Thanks for the reply. I consider myself a new user as, although I registered a while ago, I have done nothing with it, with no connected devices or gateways. I FEEL new!I did my best and what I thought right - I didnt just act blindly, I acted upon what I thought I was reading (the ‘before you begin’ section above even implies you can connect your gateway to v3 now, or wait. I found nothing saying the indoor gateway cant be connected to v3 now, although I obviously accept I might have missed that.) Also item 5 here (The Things Network upgrade to V3) also indicates it is OK to connect gateways to v3.

I am more confused now. At this address ( I have no gateways shown - this is what I assumed was the v2 location and where I created and then deleted the gateway, but only AFTER it was shown successfully at this address
(The Things Network Console) which I took to be the v3 site, where I can see my Gateway, but it is shown disconnected.

So, if I understand what you are saying and what I am seeing correctly, my gateway is in existence on TTN somewhere (V3 or not??) but is not going to be available now until V3 for Gateways goes live?? Do we know when that might be? Oh, and yes the green light is stable on the gateway, and as per my previous, I have no functional nodes and apps. All my LoRa work this far has been non-cloud based i.e. node to node. Thanks in advance for an further guidance.