How to get SD card on TTGO LoRa32 working

Assuming that you are using the board for LoRaWAN, it is not clear if you are using the LMIC-node software or something else (e.g. Paxcounter).

Anything else than LMIC-node (e.g. Paxcounter) is off-topic here (LMIC-node topic).
The LMIC-node topic is for discussions about the bare LMIC-node example program in general. Your question is about SD card support for a specific board. I will therefore move your post to a separate topic [done].

‘TTGO ESP32-Paxcounter LoRa32’ is a confusing marketing name used by LilyGO for the normal ‘TTGO LoRa32’ board (but comes preloaded with Paxcounter firmware).
From your post it is not clear which exact version of the board you have. The version is essential because different versions of those boards use (very) different hardware configurations. See Big ESP32 + SX127x topic part 3

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