How to Factory Reset Kerlink IoT?


I have contacted our Kerlink Gateway supplier (MCS) and they supplied me with the proper firmware to completely re-flash the gateway.

The process I used:

  1. Download the proper firmware from
  2. Take the contents of the ‘TTN step 1’ directory, and copy them to the root directory of a USB stick
  3. Place the USB stick in the Kerlink
  4. Wait for at least 10 minutes. The Kerlink should now have updated itself. If this didn’t happen, follow FAQ - Kerlink Gateway to reset the gateway (with the USB stick still attached).
  5. After waiting and/or resetting (and more waiting after that), remove the USB stick and check if a ‘produsb.log’ file has emerged on the USB drive. If not, retry step 4 with more waiting, if yes, be happy.
  6. Now remove all files from the USB, and copy the contents of ‘TTN step 2’ into the USB
  7. Now, once again, stick the USB in the gateway and wait for a bit, now, the TTN settings should automatically be loaded.

Good luck, and please let me know if you run into any problems!