How to build your first TTN node: Arduino + RN2483

i will try that, thank you @jpmeijers

hi @jpmeijers , this dual face RN2483 / arduino nano PCB is still a great solution!

  • RN2483 cannot be run at 5 V, it shuts down the RF transmitter
  • arduino nano should not be run at 3.3 V, unless you lower the operation frequency from 16 to 8 MHz (max 12 MHz @ 3.3V)

Are you using this @ 3.3V?
I would love to find a similar dual face RN2483 / arduino pro mini PCB !:couple_with_heart:

The RN2483 is actually run at 3.3V from the 3.3V output on the Arduino Nano. So even if the Nano is running at 5V, there is a voltage regulator to output 3.3V from which you can feed the RN2483. The only problem you are left with is the voltage levels on the serial connection between the Nano and the RN which are too high. It however seems to work ok at 0-5V, but you might need to add a resistor in series to protect the RN2483.

If there is a deman for this board I can see if I can improve it slightly and make a new batch.

Is it possible to program the node to send a binary message?

i want to send this byte:

1000 1010

but i can’t find out how to do it…
I tried to convert it to Ascii, but then i get " . ", and that translate back to “1010”

has anyone tried to controle the bit’s in the payload, to try and maximize the data send.?

Hi @jpmeijers,

Thanks for the knowledge.

Could you please let me know if this code works as on today (August 2017) as well.

I ask this as staging is obsolete now.


The library is network agnostic. As long as you use the correct keys it should work fine with the latest version of the backend.


The sample code on ArduinoUnoNano-Basic from the library only allows to transmit string data type. How can I modify the code to transmit data that are in float or double?

The library has a txBytes(const byte* data, uint8_t size) function you can use. But to do this you will have to copy your float or double into a byte array first.

In this example you can see how I pack latitude and longitude values (both originally doubles) into a transmit buffer before sending it via LoRa:


Cayenne ( has a very useful library that is interpreted by TTN Console (and Cayenne of course): Low Power Payload. GPS location takes 9 bytes (+ 1 byte for the indicator of the datatype or object ID).