Hi all, I've been trying to deploy the stack using the docker-compose YAML file, as shown in the "how to get started" guide

I was looking at your docker-compose-yml file. I did not use any of the ${DEV_DATA_DIR:-.env/data} instead I set them explicit. i.e. ./data/cockroach:/cockroach/cockroach-data. They do it explicitly in the guide as well, other than that I can’t see anything in particular.

Quick sanity check:

  • All the containers have started and are healthy.
  • You can find entries in the DB about the added user and OAuth clients

The word example does not provide a hint to you that these are example settings that will not work in real life? As you found example.com does not work with let’s encrypt because you don’t own it.
So for use with let’s encrypt you need to substitute the hostname with one you own.

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Hi kersing,

First of all, there’s no need to be mean. The truth is that the tutorial and the logs of the containers leave a lot of unanswered questions and are as ambiguous as they can get. What is this 500 “Internal Server Error” I’m getting? I would not know solely based on the logs. There’s no info online either.

Second, do I really need to own a domain to follow a tutorial? Is it really that crazy that I need to ask this when there is no mention of this fact in the tutorials? I’m just trying to test the TTN stack, I’m not willing to buy a domain, and the self-signed certificates do not seem to work either. Maybe the problem is completely unrelated to the certificates stuff, but again, how would I know?

So let me put it straight: How can I deploy the TTN stack using Docker Compose, with or without HTTPS, without the need of having a domain?

Thank you so much @fluffybucket for your honest help, I’ll try that out ASAP

I am trying to get you rethink your assumptions.

The tutorial has been written by developers that are very busy creating software you get for free. However as this is an open source project anyone, including you, can help by providing updates and additional documentation. Feel free to help improve the tutorial as you seem know what information is lacking.

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@agispert just try what @fluffybucket explained.
use the ip of your server instead of the domain name.

@agispert you could also increase the log level to “debug”, it might provide you with more info about the issue.
Append the following to your docker-compose.yml under the environment: tag (ref: 1):

Hey @agispert had you solved your issue. I’m facing same issue while login through console. I’m able to login using CLI and can use CLI commands for now. But at the Console side part facing same issue as you.
Please let me know if you already tackled that issue. and if there is another suggestions.

Thanks in advance.

Hi @sagar, no I have not solved the issue. Sorry about that. :expressionless:

Thanks for reply. I also did’t got any solution. if am able to resolve that I’ll let you know and if you got solution please let me know.


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