Help to connect a rpi+rak2247 gateway to TTN

Welcome, Michael! Hopefully we can help get you connected. Once you’ve configured your gateway in the Console, there should be a button to Download the global_conf.json file, which makes it easier to configure your gateway settings, because you install/copy it onto the gateway so it knows how to connect.

If your configuration is like mine, you copy the file to /opt/ttn-gateway/packet_forwarder/lora_pkt_fwd/global_conf.json and reboot the gateway. Are you familiar with Linux command-line work (copying files or whatever), or can you upload the configuration through the web interface?

Can you also provide a little more info about how you set up your gateway (a link to a quickstart guide or something similar)? That would help us figure out what your setup looks like.


P.S. Also take a look at this post and see if you are running older firmware: