Hardware for GPS Tracker

I would like to do the exact same thing as you (make a tracker from a Heltec Wireless Tracker 1.1). If you make it work would you consider sharing your code?

This topic looks interesting with some code being included, at least for the SX1262 part https://www.thethingsnetwork.org/forum/t/sx1262-applications/28685

Does the fair use policy permit to sent the allowed msg quantity in a (very?) short periode and stay quite for the rest of the day ?

Sort of - one device that is in the legal limits of your jurisdiction that burns up your 30s in shortish order isn’t going to impact the servers which is the main consideration.

A whole pile of devices doing it simultaneously over a space of time is anti-social in a shared spectrum.

But we are mostly guessing here as you’ve not indicated what a very short period is or why you need to do it. We have experts just begging to help but they need some context.

Short answer would be yes - device messages often end up being sent in ‘lumpy’ sets with longer gaps in between, indeed when mapping gw/community coverage it is not uncommon for users to spend 1,2,4 or how ever many hours ‘mapping’ then stopping for the rest of the day, as such activity often requires some interaction vs autonomous device sending on a regular basis spread through 24hrs.

The caveat would be ensuring that any message burstiness doesnt then also fall foul of other limits such as shorter term duty cycle limits etc.

In practice actual guidance would be determined by what you ar trying to do, how often and at what scale…1,2,3…10 trackers mappinglikely ok - a fleet of 1000 devices in small area no-no and likely to also need a TTS private instance (not subject to FUP) vs TTS(Sandbox) i.e. TTN community use…