Gps tracker

Thank you so much for answering my questions even if they sound silly somehow but I just want to let you know that in my country there is no body who knows such a thing called LoraWAN even the devices aren’t available. This why I thought I should learn more before buying the devices.
Thank you again :pray:

That is normal.

There is for instance no mention of LoRa or LoRaWAN in the guidance to the regulations for the UK. But the guidance does say how the radio spectrum can be used.

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Its for you to do your own due diligence but this may be a help:


Note EU433 is quite uncommon in the context of TTN… AS923-3 on the other hand…

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Read the doc, look at some of the videos and read here on the forum. If you got some background knowledge, some understanding and a bit of insight, there are quit a few that will jump in and help, but you need to bring your part.

If you want to buy devices, search on the forum first and read a lot. Then you are going to need to take the dive an buy a gateway and a few devices. That is the only way. As I said, show research and the guys will help.

Where is this?

Radio waves know no boundaries and you get to read the same learning materials that everyone else has access to - so don’t worry that you haven’t found someone using LoRaWAN close to hand.

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You are not alone! Indeed there is atleast some interest even if not yet a GW that is evident:
