Please don’t post screenshots if you just want to show text. Also, we’ll need to see the code of the Payload Format you’re using in TTN Console, to generate this output. And please add the payload as text.
that’s my field with Cayenne LPP, temperature and humidity at 0 is normal, my sensor isn’t connected at the moment. I don’t know how can i fix it. Some guys saying the GPS isn’t fix and need to be reprogrammer but i don’t know…
Can you see the output of the printdata() statement that is in your Sketch? (It might also help others to know what would be the range of the expected values.)
I assume things look wrong in a myDevices dashboard as well? (Just in case TTN Console somehow shows the wrong values, like maybe it does not properly handle the signs of the values.)
Given the payload in the screenshot, where the latitude and longitude values in 88 989680 989680 F5E100 are both 0x989680, I guess it’s a problem in the device.
No i can’t, it’s not work, i’ve read the gps need to be fix, but me it doesn’t get fixed after 1 day. Same problem as here : Dragino and GPS shield but no real answer. I’m really confused about it