Getting Badgerboard to work with TTN

I have a single channel LoRa gateway with a Raspberry Pi and a Dragino HAT, as a Node I am using a Bagerboard. With the TTN library instead of the original Badgerboard library following this thread by @arjanvanb I got it setup with TTN and working.

Since the Dragino HAT is only a single channel gateway I would like to setup Badgerboard using a fixed channel (868.1 MHz) and a fixed spreading factor (SF 7).

What is best practice to achieve this?

See the link in my earlier answer:

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A post was merged into an existing topic: How to make RN2483 node use a fixed channel and spreading factor?

it’s quite impossible to read the ambient temperature with a temperature sensor mounted on the same board so near to other components. In essence it is impossible to obtain an adequate level of insulation of the sensor from the heat sources mounted on the board. Mind you, the heat is spread mainly through the electrical connections and not from the air heated by the ICs on the pcb.

The value read will always be higher than the real one.

Some interesting reading:

PS this should have been known by those who designed this board, or at least, they should have noticed during the tests.
They should therefore advise their customers that the temperature read by the sensor is not the ambient temperature. Or we’ll make this answer suffice for everything :slight_smile:

PPS I saw now that the sensor was mounted near the MCU… comfort yourselves because if they had even mounted it in the corner of the PCB would not have solved the problem :wink:
