Gemtek Indoor Femto LoRaWAN Gateway - Anyone else using one?

Can u please share the product details? Is it LoRAWAN gateway or packet forwarder? mine one is Packet Forwarder.

Check the link…does the Gateway login screen is similar?

Hi, my gateway Configuration Interface looks similiar to you, but I can’t find “Packet Forward” tab on the left side. Here is a screenshot for that.

In the other hand, yesterday I tried to upgrade the firmware from 3.00.07 to 3.03.13.
Then another problem occured. I can’t use the Provision Code that I previously used on the firmware version 3.00.07, and then my Gateway is like “bricked/locked” for some reasons due to the “wrong provision code”.

Now anyone know how to rollback the firmware to the older one?

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No Worries …you need to follow the following steps:

  1. Create a login credentials on TTN (if not created yet)
  2. Login and go to Console
  3. In Console - Click Gateway and add the required information i.e Gateway ID ( if device is functioning as Gateway or Packet forwarder - check Packet forwarder for legacy device), Description, Frequency plan ( as applicable in your country), Router location. …That’s all. At TTN End.

Kindly share the Model name and config screen also of the gateway.

In Gateway :
The server addresses visible in the Router drop-down are for TTN specific gateway software. If you are using the normal Semtech packet forwarder on port 1700, you should point your gateway to one of the following addresses instead: (Australia, 915 MHz) (Southeast Asia, 920-923 MHz - 'AS923' low) (Southeast Asia, 923-925 MHz - 'AS923' high) (Europe, 868 MHz) (America, 902-928 MHz) (Korea, 920-923 MHz)

I hope this will helpful.

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Please ask the supplier for Firmware related issue. Once FW issue is resolved, you can apply the config I mentioned earlier.

Thank you, I have been created a TTN account, but actually I have no idea about configuring Gemtek Femto due to lack of documentation.

I have already try to contact the supplier about the firmware, but the supplier haven’t respond for it yet.

Anyway, thank you so much for your help and have a nice day!

No worries, once u sorted out the FW issue,I will be more than happy to help you out.

@madhuvarsha Hello dear friend,

I am currently trying to setup a femto GW from Gemtek (FW Version 3.02.35 Wed May 23 14:11:22 CST 2018) to work with TTN.

I need to know the EUI of the lora chip to configure on the TTN end, but I can’t find how…

How did you get it? Through SSH?

My GW is provisioned with a Packet Forwarder code in US915 band.



Please add 0000 in your gateway id.

After login in to gateway, you can find the gateway ID under SETTING

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A vendor has configured WLRGFM-100 in “packet forwarder” mode for me. However, SSH and Backup are disabled. I can’t inspect how they managed to make it work.

The firmware is 3.03.13 (my best guess it’s a customized version).
I tried all SSH account I could find on Google: admin / giot-admin / giot-user / su / root. All of them failed or exited immediately.

I’m experienced in Linux. If anyone has a clue, please tell me.

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hello @davidraditya
Have you solved this problem?
I found a similar problem. after firmware upgrade to 3.04.11
I need the provision code.

Hello Greg,
I have Gemtek Femto Indoor and upgrade to the last firmware version. Unfortunally in current firmware there is no “backup and restore” option. Do you have another way to access root through ssh? i don’t know what the password is.
Thank you for your any help

Simply add “1230” in front of your last provision code

Hey, have you found solution to access WLRGFM100 throught SSH?

Sorry, at this moment you can’t use this device on TTN.


Hi , I have a femto gateway working on ttn on eur868 . Be sure to get the correct provisioning code from the supplier for the relevant band and also to set unit in packet forwarder mode .

interesting, where did you buy it ? and how did you set the forwarder to work with TTN ?

Hi , Rfdesign in Cape Town sold it to me . With the provided provisioning code the unit is set up as a packet forwarder .In the menu I use : “server_address”: “”,
“serv_port_up”: 1700,
“serv_port_down”: 1700

in ttn console add 0000 in front of eui and check packet forwarder .I can send some screenshots Monday if required.

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HI, just a question, In the Settings screen the Gateway Id is not presented (I don’t know why is blank). How can I know it? I can’t find this value in any screen…
Thanks in advance

This is my menu , what provision code are you using ?