Gateway setup - Concentrator start failed: lgw_start

Hello everyone. I’m working on setting up an arduino pro gateway (so with a Raspberry Pi 3+ board). I followed this guide but I’m stuck almost at the end. When testing the packet forwarder (second to last step), I get the following log:

2022-10-20 01:53:25.308 [SYS:INFO] Logging     : stderr (maxsize=10000000, rotate=3)
2022-10-20 01:53:25.308 [SYS:INFO] Station Ver : 2.0.6(rpi/std) 2022-10-19 21:00:10
2022-10-20 01:53:25.309 [SYS:INFO] Package Ver : (null)
2022-10-20 01:53:25.309 [SYS:INFO] mbedTLS Ver : 2.28.0
2022-10-20 01:53:25.309 [SYS:INFO] proto EUI   : 242:fdff:fec5:59b3	(station.conf)
2022-10-20 01:53:25.309 [SYS:INFO] prefix EUI  : ::1	(builtin)
2022-10-20 01:53:25.309 [SYS:INFO] Station EUI : 242:fdff:fec5:59b3
2022-10-20 01:53:25.309 [SYS:INFO] Station home: ./	(builtin)
2022-10-20 01:53:25.309 [SYS:INFO] Station temp: /var/tmp/	(builtin)
2022-10-20 01:53:25.309 [SYS:WARN] Station in NO-CUPS mode
2022-10-20 01:53:25.509 [TCE:INFO] Starting TC engine
2022-10-20 01:53:25.673 [AIO:INFO] ./ 
cert. version     : 3
serial number     : 5E:C3:B7:A6:43:7F:A4:E0
issuer name       : CN=ACCVRAIZ1, OU=PKIACCV, O=ACCV, C=ES
subject name      : CN=ACCVRAIZ1, OU=PKIACCV, O=ACCV, C=ES
issued  on        : 2011-05-05 09:37:37
expires on        : 2030-12-31 09:37:37
signed using      : RSA with SHA1
RSA key size      : 4096 bits
basic constraints : CA=true
subject alt name  :
key usage         : Key Cert Sign, CRL Sign
certificate policies : An 2022-10-20 01:53:25.674 [TCE:INFO] Connecting to INFOS: wss://
2022-10-20 01:53:26.037 [TCE:INFO] Infos: 242:fdff:fec5:59b3 muxs-::0 wss://
2022-10-20 01:53:26.037 [AIO:DEBU] [3] ws_close reason=1000
2022-10-20 01:53:26.037 [AIO:ERRO] Recv failed: SSL - The peer notified us that the connection is going to be closed
2022-10-20 01:53:26.037 [AIO:DEBU] [3] WS connection shutdown...
2022-10-20 01:53:26.201 [AIO:INFO] ./ 
cert. version     : 3
serial number     : 5E:C3:B7:A6:43:7F:A4:E0
issuer name       : CN=ACCVRAIZ1, OU=PKIACCV, O=ACCV, C=ES
subject name      : CN=ACCVRAIZ1, OU=PKIACCV, O=ACCV, C=ES
issued  on        : 2011-05-05 09:37:37
expires on        : 2030-12-31 09:37:37
signed using      : RSA with SHA1
RSA key size      : 4096 bits
basic constraints : CA=true
subject alt name  :
key usage         : Key Cert Sign, CRL Sign
certificate policies : An 2022-10-20 01:53:26.201 [TCE:VERB] Connecting to MUXS...
2022-10-20 01:53:26.536 [TCE:VERB] Connected to MUXS.
2022-10-20 14:01:23.088 [RAL:INFO] Lora gateway library version: Version: 5.0.1;
2022-10-20 14:01:23.095 [RAL:INFO] [LGW lgw1] clksrc=1 lorawan_public=1
2022-10-20 14:01:23.095 [RAL:INFO]  RX/TX RF0:    867.5MHz rssi_offset=-166.0 type=2 tx_notch_freq=0
2022-10-20 14:01:23.095 [RAL:INFO]  RX    RF1:    868.5MHz rssi_offset=-166.0 type=2 tx_notch_freq=0
2022-10-20 14:01:23.095 [RAL:INFO]  [mSF]   0:    868.1MHz rf=1 freq=-400.0 datarate=0
2022-10-20 14:01:23.095 [RAL:INFO]  [mSF]   1:    868.3MHz rf=1 freq=-200.0 datarate=0
2022-10-20 14:01:23.095 [RAL:INFO]  [mSF]   2:    868.5MHz rf=1 freq=  +0.0 datarate=0
2022-10-20 14:01:23.095 [RAL:INFO]  [mSF]   3:    867.1MHz rf=0 freq=-400.0 datarate=0
2022-10-20 14:01:23.095 [RAL:INFO]  [mSF]   4:    867.3MHz rf=0 freq=-200.0 datarate=0
2022-10-20 14:01:23.095 [RAL:INFO]  [mSF]   5:    867.5MHz rf=0 freq=  +0.0 datarate=0
2022-10-20 14:01:23.095 [RAL:INFO]  [mSF]   6:    867.7MHz rf=0 freq=+200.0 datarate=0
2022-10-20 14:01:23.095 [RAL:INFO]  [mSF]   7:    867.9MHz rf=0 freq=+400.0 datarate=0
2022-10-20 14:01:23.095 [RAL:INFO]  [STD]   8:    868.3MHz rf=1 freq=-200.0 datarate=2 bw=2 
2022-10-20 14:01:23.095 [RAL:INFO]  [FSK]   9:    868.8MHz rf=1 freq=+300.0 datarate=50000 bw=0 sync_word=0/0
2022-10-20 14:01:23.095 [RAL:INFO] SX130x LBT not enabled
2022-10-20 14:01:23.095 [RAL:INFO] Station device: /dev/spidev0.0 (PPS capture disabled)
2022-10-20 14:01:23.095 [HAL:ERRO] [lgw_start:742] FAIL TO CONNECT BOARD
2022-10-20 14:01:23.095 [RAL:ERRO] Concentrator start failed: lgw_start
2022-10-20 14:01:23.095 [RAL:ERRO] ral_config failed with status 0x08
2022-10-20 14:01:23.095 [any:ERRO] Closing connection to muxs - error in s2e_onMsg
2022-10-20 14:01:23.095 [AIO:DEBU] [3] ws_close reason=1000
2022-10-20 14:01:23.095 [AIO:DEBU] Echoing close - reason=1000
2022-10-20 14:01:23.131 [AIO:DEBU] [3|WS] Server sent close: reason=1000
2022-10-20 14:01:23.131 [AIO:DEBU] [3] WS connection shutdown...
2022-10-20 14:01:23.132 [TCE:VERB] Connection to MUXS closed in state -1
2022-10-20 14:01:23.132 [TCE:INFO] INFOS reconnect backoff 10s (retry 1)

the gate then keeps connecting and disconnecting (I get the notifications in the live data tab of my gateway). My issue is similar to this one (but I thought it was more appropriate to create a topic here), but I couldn’t solve my problem. I tried the reset script they suggest, I had the same error as the OP ./ line 16: echo: write error: Device or resource busy but I couldn’t kill the process as suggested (and couldn’t identify it using ps aux).

It is my first time working with gateways, there is probably something that I am missing, but I can’t figure what it is.

Double check you have the right concentrator card/RPi pin for reset - the example was for the iMST 880A - yours may well be different!

Can you share more details about your setup? Which radio board do you use? You have not configured a reset script. For SPI-driver boards this is often required to bring the board into a clean state before startup. Did you run the test tools included in the HAL repo for testing the low-level communication (i.e. register read/write)?
Have a look at this comment. Thanks!

Thank you for your answer ! I searched online but I couldn’t find any documentation on the pinout of the whole setup. The Raspberry Pi seems soldered to the two other boards (an “arduino radio module adapter” which I couldn’t find a lot of information on, and a LoRa Radio Module, which uses a SX1301) and I can’t figure out which pin is connected to the reset pin of the SX1301.

No vendor markings at all, no logos, no other text - perhaps a picture would help identify it.

Details details - you have told us nothing of your set up other than Pi based…which manufacturer of concentrator card (or LoRa Radio Module as you term it) which model, links to documentation etc. Show us your start or reset script ( use the </> ) tool etc.

Where did you buy it from?

…details details…

It’s an arduino pro gateway, so:

  • A Raspberry Pi 3 B+
  • An “arduino radio module adapter”
  • A “LoRa radio module”, a EMB-LR1301, using a SX1301 chip

I looked up the tools, but I’m not entirely sure how to use them. I cloned the sx1302_hal github repo, and according to this comment I should be aple to simply compile and run the tests, if I understand correctly. However gcc indicates that the loragw_com.h library is missing.
I was also wondering if those tools would work as intended, considering the concentrator chip I use is a SX1301.

The EMbit con card is a venerable beast that has been around and I beleieve well used for many years - I think also is the heart of some of their full GW offerings - I 1st saw one in 2018. As noted the card itself is based on the 1st gen original SX1301 baseband processor, the s/w you are looking to use is targeting the 2nd generation SX1302/3 class devices and yes there are differences in detail - including around the radio chipset configuration esp if moving on from the original SX125x devices paired with the SX1301.

Details including teh documentation is here

That is your start point for checking pin out, comparing with Pi mapping (irrespective of what any intervening module interface card may do) and then adjusting your scripts. Was the

Specifically sold/paired with the conc card - though mPCIe frmat ther can be differences in implementatios ause of e.g. SPI, USB etc… again its the details that catch you out!

Note EMbit also offer an SX1302 card so be sure not to mix up…

Another update: you may also want to check this out!

FYI THIS HAS RESET ON GPIO04 - Pin 7 on the connector…does your arduino board match that and the rest of the pin out?

Note to self:

Must try harder! :wink: :rofl: :+1:

Sorry for the lack of details. What I described in my previous reply is all I could find. I did not buy it myself, it’s a university project, and we were just given the box (and according to this comment, it looks like the arduino pro gateway wasn’t the best choice. I also tried to use the arduino IoT server, but TTN looks way more intuitive and seems to be more suitable for the project). The only official arduino documentation are these assembly instructions and this package forwarder setup. I also added 3 pictures of the whole setup. Unless I’m missing something (which is very possible), I don’t know how to figure out which pin is connected to what.

The reset script I used was exactly the same as they discussed, I just tried changing the reset pin number. To be perfectly honest, I don’t really know what I’m doing, that probably explains why I’m a bit confused and forget to specify some details, I’m sorry for the inconvenience, and I thank you for your patience and help.

The card is a sx1301 based design. This means, the low-level tools and corresponding HAL are found in this repository:

When compiling LoRa Basics Station, this dependency is pulled, compiled and linked automatically.

Based on these log lines:

2022-10-20 01:53:25.308 [SYS:INFO] Station Ver : 2.0.6(rpi/std) 2022-10-19 21:00:10
2022-10-20 14:01:23.095 [RAL:INFO] [LGW lgw1] clksrc=1 lorawan_public=1

You have compiled station with flags platform=rpi variant=std. This is the correct choice of platform for your hardware. Please compile again with platform=rpi variant=debug which will give you access to more debug information.

Then execute station with XDEBUG log level by passing the command line argument -l XDEBUG. This will print more detail about what the HAL is expecting and where it is failing.

I suspect that the SX1301 reset line is not in a correct state and you have to set the Raspi GPIO to the correct state as expected by the board design. I couldn’t find schematics of the exact adapter board, but its likely that is based on the EMB-RasPI-LR130x-Cape (as @Jeff-UK pointed out) and as per the datasheet GPIO004 is wired to the sx1301 reset pin.

You can try toggling GPIO 4 manually like this

echo 4 > /sys/class/gpio/export
echo out > /sys/class/gpio/gpio4/direction
echo 0 > /sys/class/gpio/gpio4/value # Try toggling between 1 and 0
1 Like

Again good to have the details and a picture paints a 1,000 words as they say…now we know what we are dealing with!

If you struggle with setting up Basicstation and all the associated files and (keys/security) settings you could always fall back to adapting one of the earlier UDP based implementations such those from TTN Zurich/Technoblogy/ Hallard/CH2i etc, (latter 2 have worked well form me in the past - esp with Jac’s MPPF) adjusting the reset pin and or SPI mapping as/if needed to test set up…not sure if that will bypass the Arduino lock in referenced in the comment you linked above, but assume a new Raspi o/s/ build on fresh uSD card will likely achieve that :wink:

Thank you both for your answers. So I went and unplugged the LR1301 board from the adapter, to see them both better (see pictures below). I’m pretty sure this “adapter” is not the one you directed me to, I’m guessing it’s a “special” one created specially for this gateway setup (just a supposition). Once again, I couldn’t find any documentation on this one precisely (but I’ve been proven I’m not the best at finding docs, so who knows), it doesn’t even appear to have a model name or reference. But it looks pretty similar to the other one, so I suppose the pin numbers and connections shouldn’t be too different. That said, I couldn’t trace back the reset pin physically (unlike this user), or I don’t know how to do so. I still tried to set the GPIO4 pin to both 0 or 1 (as someone suggested in this comment to “try inverting the reset”).

As @bei recommended, I recompiled using make platform=rpi variant=debug ARCH=$(gcc --print-multiarch) in the basicstation directory, but I’m not sure how to “execute station”. The log I posted comes from executing execute sudo RADIODEV=/dev/spidev0.0 /opt/ttn-station/bin/ When I try this again, I end up with the same log message, so I guess I’m messing something up.

About that:

I’m using an OS specifically made for this arduino gateway, provided here. When using cat /etc/os-release I get the following:

PRETTY_NAME="Raspbian GNU/Linux 9 (stretch)"
NAME="Raspbian GNU/Linux"
VERSION="9 (stretch)"

So, not a lot of information on the OS provided. Before that, I also tried using a more “classic” raspbian OS (and with GUI), but for some reason I couldn’t get it connected to the internet. Or more precisely, it could connect to the internet normally, but the device still appeared offline in the arduino manager for linux (and the fan would blow at full power too).

EDIT: I tried ./build-rpi-std/bin/station --version to check if the new build I did worked, but the file isn’t here (No such file or directory). There are only 4 directories: bin, inlcude, lib, s2core.

I just noticed that, before this error, there is another error:

2022-10-20 01:53:26.037 [AIO:ERRO] Recv failed: SSL - The peer notified us that the connection is going to be closed

It would appear to be due to an authentification, and I found this solution, but have no idea how to implement it.

The log message just means that the server is closing the connection which is expected during the discovery phase phase of the LNS protocol. The authentication looks fine.

The /opt/ttn-station/bin/ is probably executing a pre-compiled station executable and not the one you compiled. You may swap the pre-compiled executable with the one you built.

Sorry for the late reply. Here is /opt/ttn-station/bin/


# Reset iC880a PIN
echo "$SX1301_RESET_BCM_PIN"  > /sys/class/gpio/export
echo "out" > /sys/class/gpio/gpio$SX1301_RESET_BCM_PIN/direction
echo "0"   > /sys/class/gpio/gpio$SX1301_RESET_BCM_PIN/value
sleep 0.1
echo "1"   > /sys/class/gpio/gpio$SX1301_RESET_BCM_PIN/value
sleep 0.1
echo "0"   > /sys/class/gpio/gpio$SX1301_RESET_BCM_PIN/value
sleep 0.1
echo "$SX1301_RESET_BCM_PIN"  > /sys/class/gpio/unexport

# Test the connection, wait if needed.
while [[ $(ping -c1 2>&1 | grep " 0% packet loss") == "" ]]; do
echo "[TTN Gateway]: Waiting for internet connection..."
sleep 30

# Start station

So it’s basically a reset section (which I modified to use the pin number 4), a connection test and then it executes the station executable. Shouldn’t this executable be automatically replaced by the last one I built ?

EDIT: I’m sorry, I found the executable I built myself, replaced the original with it and ran with the debug option and I get the following log:

2022-10-20 03:59:31.320 [SYS:INFO] Station Ver : 2.0.6(rpi/debug) 2022-10-20 02:45:59
2022-10-20 03:59:31.320 [SYS:INFO] Package Ver : (null)
2022-10-20 03:59:31.320 [SYS:INFO] mbedTLS Ver : 2.28.0
2022-10-20 03:59:31.320 [SYS:INFO] proto EUI   : 242:fdff:fec5:59b3	(station.conf)
2022-10-20 03:59:31.320 [SYS:INFO] prefix EUI  : ::1	(builtin)
2022-10-20 03:59:31.320 [SYS:INFO] Station EUI : 242:fdff:fec5:59b3
2022-10-20 03:59:31.320 [SYS:INFO] Station home: ./	(builtin)
2022-10-20 03:59:31.320 [SYS:INFO] Station temp: /tmp/	(builtin)
2022-10-20 03:59:31.320 [SYS:WARN] Station in NO-CUPS mode
2022-10-20 03:59:31.521 [TCE:INFO] Starting TC engine
2022-10-20 03:59:31.686 [AIO:INFO] ./ 
cert. version     : 3
serial number     : 5E:C3:B7:A6:43:7F:A4:E0
issuer name       : CN=ACCVRAIZ1, OU=PKIACCV, O=ACCV, C=ES
subject name      : CN=ACCVRAIZ1, OU=PKIACCV, O=ACCV, C=ES
issued  on        : 2011-05-05 09:37:37
expires on        : 2030-12-31 09:37:37
signed using      : RSA with SHA1
RSA key size      : 4096 bits
basic constraints : CA=true
subject alt name  :
key usage         : Key Cert Sign, CRL Sign
certificate policies : An 2022-10-20 03:59:31.686 [TCE:INFO] Connecting to INFOS: wss://
2022-10-20 03:59:31.727 [AIO:XDEB] [3] ws_connecting state=1
2022-10-20 03:59:31.764 [AIO:XDEB] [3] ws_connecting state=1
2022-10-20 03:59:31.765 [AIO:XDEB] [3] ws_connecting state=1
2022-10-20 03:59:31.972 [AIO:XDEB] [3] ws_connecting state=1
2022-10-20 03:59:31.974 [AIO:XDEB] [3] ws_connecting state=1
2022-10-20 03:59:31.974 [AIO:XDEB] [3] ws_connecting state=2
2022-10-20 03:59:31.974 [AIO:XDEB] [3] socket write bytes=304
2022-10-20 03:59:32.012 [AIO:XDEB] [3] ws_connecting state=3
2022-10-20 03:59:32.012 [AIO:XDEB] [3] socket read  bytes=129
2022-10-20 03:59:32.012 [AIO:XDEB] [3|WS] > {"router":"242:fdff:fec5:59b3"}
2022-10-20 03:59:32.012 [AIO:XDEB] [3] socket write bytes=37
2022-10-20 03:59:32.055 [AIO:XDEB] [3] socket read  bytes=127
2022-10-20 03:59:32.055 [AIO:XDEB] [3|WS] < {"router":"242:fdff:fec5:59b3","muxs":"muxs-::0","uri":"wss://"}
2022-10-20 03:59:32.055 [TCE:INFO] Infos: 242:fdff:fec5:59b3 muxs-::0 wss://
2022-10-20 03:59:32.055 [AIO:DEBU] [3] ws_close reason=1000
2022-10-20 03:59:32.055 [AIO:ERRO] Recv failed: SSL - The peer notified us that the connection is going to be closed
2022-10-20 03:59:32.055 [AIO:DEBU] [3] WS connection shutdown...
2022-10-20 03:59:32.277 [AIO:INFO] ./ 
cert. version     : 3
serial number     : 5E:C3:B7:A6:43:7F:A4:E0
issuer name       : CN=ACCVRAIZ1, OU=PKIACCV, O=ACCV, C=ES
subject name      : CN=ACCVRAIZ1, OU=PKIACCV, O=ACCV, C=ES
issued  on        : 2011-05-05 09:37:37
expires on        : 2030-12-31 09:37:37
signed using      : RSA with SHA1
RSA key size      : 4096 bits
basic constraints : CA=true
subject alt name  :
key usage         : Key Cert Sign, CRL Sign
certificate policies : An 2022-10-20 03:59:32.278 [TCE:VERB] Connecting to MUXS...
2022-10-20 03:59:32.315 [AIO:XDEB] [3] ws_connecting state=1
2022-10-20 03:59:32.361 [AIO:XDEB] [3] ws_connecting state=1
2022-10-20 03:59:32.362 [AIO:XDEB] [3] ws_connecting state=1
2022-10-20 03:59:32.571 [AIO:XDEB] [3] ws_connecting state=1
2022-10-20 03:59:32.571 [AIO:XDEB] [3] ws_connecting state=2
2022-10-20 03:59:32.571 [AIO:XDEB] [3] socket write bytes=321
2022-10-20 03:59:32.622 [AIO:XDEB] [3] ws_connecting state=3
2022-10-20 03:59:32.622 [AIO:XDEB] [3] socket read  bytes=129
2022-10-20 03:59:32.622 [TCE:VERB] Connected to MUXS.
2022-10-20 03:59:32.622 [AIO:XDEB] [3|WS] > {"msgtype":"version","station":"2.0.6(rpi/debug)","firmware":null,"package":null,"model":"rpi","protocol":2,"features":"rmtsh"}
2022-10-20 03:59:32.622 [AIO:XDEB] [3] socket write bytes=135
2022-10-20 03:59:32.660 [AIO:XDEB] [3] socket read  bytes=1104
2022-10-20 03:59:32.660 [AIO:XDEB] [3|WS] < {"msgtype":"router_config","NetID":null,"JoinEui":null,"region":"EU863","hwspec":"sx1301/1","freq_range":[863000000,870000000],"DRs":[[12,125,0],[11,125,0],[10,125,0],[9,125,0],[8,125,0],[7,125,0],[7,250,0],[0,0,0],[0,0,0],[0,0,0],[0,0,0],[0,0,0],[0,0,0],[0,0,0],[0,0,0],[0,0,0]],"sx1301_conf":[{"radio_0":{"enable":true,"freq":867500000},"radio_1":{"enable":true,"freq":868500000},"chan_multiSF_0":{"enable":true,"radio":1,"if":-400000},"chan_multiSF_1":{"enabl
2022-10-20 03:59:32.660 [AIO:XDEB] [3|WS] . e":true,"radio":1,"if":-200000},"chan_multiSF_2":{"enable":true,"radio":1,"if":0},"chan_multiSF_3":{"enable":true,"radio":0,"if":-400000},"chan_multiSF_4":{"enable":true,"radio":0,"if":-200000},"chan_multiSF_5":{"enable":true,"radio":0,"if":0},"chan_multiSF_6":{"enable":true,"radio":0,"if":200000},"chan_multiSF_7":{"enable":true,"radio":0,"if":400000},"chan_Lora_std":{"enable":true,"radio":1,"if":-200000,"bandwidth":250000,"spread_factor":7},"chan_FSK":{"ena
2022-10-20 03:59:32.660 [AIO:XDEB] [3|WS] . ble":true,"radio":1,"if":300000,"datarate":50000}}],"nocca":true,"nodc":true,"nodwell":true,"MuxTime":1666598775.896436,"bcning":{"DR":3,"layout":[2,8,17],"freqs":[869525000]}}
2022-10-24 08:06:15.896 [HAL:XDEB] [lgw_soft_reset:596] ERROR: CONCENTRATOR UNCONNECTED
2022-10-24 08:06:15.896 [HAL:XDEB] [lgw_disconnect:585] WARNING: concentrator was already disconnected
2022-10-24 08:06:15.896 [RAL:INFO] Lora gateway library version: Version: 5.0.1;
2022-10-24 08:06:15.898 [RAL:INFO] [LGW lgw1] clksrc=1 lorawan_public=1
2022-10-24 08:06:15.898 [HAL:XDEB] [lgw_board_setconf:453] Note: board configuration; lorawan_public:1, clksrc:1
2022-10-24 08:06:15.898 [RAL:INFO]  RX/TX RF0:    867.5MHz rssi_offset=-166.0 type=2 tx_notch_freq=0
2022-10-24 08:06:15.898 [HAL:XDEB] [lgw_rxrf_setconf:502] WARNING: NOT A VALID TX NOTCH FILTER FREQUENCY [126000..250000]Hz
2022-10-24 08:06:15.898 [HAL:XDEB] [lgw_rxrf_setconf:514] Note: rf_chain 0 configuration; en:1 freq:867500000 rssi_offset:-166.000000 radio_type:2 tx_enable:1 tx_notch_freq:0
2022-10-24 08:06:15.898 [RAL:INFO]  RX    RF1:    868.5MHz rssi_offset=-166.0 type=2 tx_notch_freq=0
2022-10-24 08:06:15.898 [HAL:XDEB] [lgw_rxrf_setconf:514] Note: rf_chain 1 configuration; en:1 freq:868500000 rssi_offset:-166.000000 radio_type:2 tx_enable:0 tx_notch_freq:0
2022-10-24 08:06:15.898 [RAL:INFO]  [mSF]   0:    868.1MHz rf=1 freq=-400.0 datarate=0
2022-10-24 08:06:15.899 [HAL:XDEB] [lgw_rxif_setconf:633] Note: LoRa 'multi' if_chain 0 configuration; en:1 freq:-400000 SF_mask:0x7e
2022-10-24 08:06:15.899 [RAL:INFO]  [mSF]   1:    868.3MHz rf=1 freq=-200.0 datarate=0
2022-10-24 08:06:15.899 [HAL:XDEB] [lgw_rxif_setconf:633] Note: LoRa 'multi' if_chain 1 configuration; en:1 freq:-200000 SF_mask:0x7e
2022-10-24 08:06:15.899 [RAL:INFO]  [mSF]   2:    868.5MHz rf=1 freq=  +0.0 datarate=0
2022-10-24 08:06:15.899 [HAL:XDEB] [lgw_rxif_setconf:633] Note: LoRa 'multi' if_chain 2 configuration; en:1 freq:0 SF_mask:0x7e
2022-10-24 08:06:15.899 [RAL:INFO]  [mSF]   3:    867.1MHz rf=0 freq=-400.0 datarate=0
2022-10-24 08:06:15.899 [HAL:XDEB] [lgw_rxif_setconf:633] Note: LoRa 'multi' if_chain 3 configuration; en:1 freq:-400000 SF_mask:0x7e
2022-10-24 08:06:15.899 [RAL:INFO]  [mSF]   4:    867.3MHz rf=0 freq=-200.0 datarate=0
2022-10-24 08:06:15.899 [HAL:XDEB] [lgw_rxif_setconf:633] Note: LoRa 'multi' if_chain 4 configuration; en:1 freq:-200000 SF_mask:0x7e
2022-10-24 08:06:15.899 [RAL:INFO]  [mSF]   5:    867.5MHz rf=0 freq=  +0.0 datarate=0
2022-10-24 08:06:15.899 [HAL:XDEB] [lgw_rxif_setconf:633] Note: LoRa 'multi' if_chain 5 configuration; en:1 freq:0 SF_mask:0x7e
2022-10-24 08:06:15.899 [RAL:INFO]  [mSF]   6:    867.7MHz rf=0 freq=+200.0 datarate=0
2022-10-24 08:06:15.899 [HAL:XDEB] [lgw_rxif_setconf:633] Note: LoRa 'multi' if_chain 6 configuration; en:1 freq:200000 SF_mask:0x7e
2022-10-24 08:06:15.899 [RAL:INFO]  [mSF]   7:    867.9MHz rf=0 freq=+400.0 datarate=0
2022-10-24 08:06:15.899 [HAL:XDEB] [lgw_rxif_setconf:633] Note: LoRa 'multi' if_chain 7 configuration; en:1 freq:400000 SF_mask:0x7e
2022-10-24 08:06:15.899 [RAL:INFO]  [STD]   8:    868.3MHz rf=1 freq=-200.0 datarate=2 bw=2 
2022-10-24 08:06:15.899 [HAL:XDEB] [lgw_rxif_setconf:607] Note: LoRa 'std' if_chain 8 configuration; en:1 freq:-200000 bw:2 dr:2
2022-10-24 08:06:15.899 [RAL:INFO]  [FSK]   9:    868.8MHz rf=1 freq=+300.0 datarate=50000 bw=0 sync_word=0/0
2022-10-24 08:06:15.899 [HAL:XDEB] [lgw_rxif_setconf:663] Note: FSK if_chain 9 configuration; en:1 freq:300000 bw:2 dr:50000 (50000 real dr) sync:0x%0lX
2022-10-24 08:06:15.899 [RAL:INFO] SX130x LBT not enabled
2022-10-24 08:06:15.899 [RAL:INFO] Station device: /dev/spidev0.0 (PPS capture disabled)
2022-10-24 08:06:15.899 [HAL:INFO] [lgw_spi_open:101] Setting SPI speed to 8000000
2022-10-24 08:06:15.899 [HAL:INFO] [lgw_spi_open:135] Note: SPI port opened and configured ok
2022-10-24 08:06:15.899 [HAL:XDEB] [lgw_spi_r:258] Note: SPI read success
2022-10-24 08:06:15.899 [HAL:XDEB] [lgw_connect:534] INFO: no FPGA detected or version not supported (v0)
2022-10-24 08:06:15.899 [HAL:XDEB] [lgw_spi_r:258] Note: SPI read success
2022-10-24 08:06:15.899 [HAL:XDEB] [lgw_connect:557] ERROR: NOT EXPECTED CHIP VERSION (v0)
2022-10-24 08:06:15.899 [HAL:ERRO] [lgw_start:742] FAIL TO CONNECT BOARD
2022-10-24 08:06:15.899 [RAL:ERRO] Concentrator start failed: lgw_start
2022-10-24 08:06:15.899 [RAL:ERRO] ral_config failed with status 0x08
2022-10-24 08:06:15.899 [any:ERRO] Closing connection to muxs - error in s2e_onMsg
2022-10-24 08:06:15.899 [AIO:DEBU] [3] ws_close reason=1000
2022-10-24 08:06:15.899 [AIO:XDEB] [3] ws_closing_w state=5
2022-10-24 08:06:15.899 [AIO:DEBU] Echoing close - reason=1000
2022-10-24 08:06:15.900 [AIO:XDEB] [3] socket write bytes=8
2022-10-24 08:06:15.935 [AIO:XDEB] [3] socket read  bytes=4
2022-10-24 08:06:15.935 [AIO:DEBU] [3|WS] Server sent close: reason=1000
2022-10-24 08:06:15.935 [AIO:DEBU] [3] WS connection shutdown...
2022-10-24 08:06:15.936 [TCE:VERB] Connection to MUXS closed in state -1
2022-10-24 08:06:15.936 [TCE:INFO] INFOS reconnect backoff 10s (retry 1)
2022-10-24 08:25:30.870 [HAL:XDEB] [lgw_soft_reset:596] ERROR: CONCENTRATOR UNCONNECTED
2022-10-24 08:25:30.870 [HAL:INFO] [lgw_spi_close:159] Note: SPI port closed
2022-10-24 08:25:30.870 [HAL:XDEB] [lgw_disconnect:582] Note: success disconnecting the concentrator

and then it starts again, untill I ctrl+c.