Gateway is receiving the exact same packet for DevAddr "BEACE103" every 10 minutes

Okay, maybe the fixed SF12 does not imply the beacon is not compliant, but what about the fixed channel of 868.1 MHz?

End-devices may transmit on any channel available at any time, using any available data rate, as long as the following rules are respected:

  • The end-device changes channel in a pseudo-random fashion for every transmission. The resulting frequency diversity makes the system more robust to interferences.
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Because of good RF conditions I see both the Amsterdam and Brussels beacon today. :grin:


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@mvdswaluw: The same near Eindhoven:

Time is in UTC, first column SNR, second RSSI.

More updates!

Move my antenna higher, I’m now picking up from the Brugge one!

In a related topic, BEACE001 was found too. So, the list I know of now:

DevAddr Decoded payload
BEACE001 ThingsBeaconWalem001
BEACE100 ThingsBeaconBrussel1
BEACE101 ThingsBeaconBrugge01
BEACE102 ThingsBeaconVreren01
BEACE103 ThingsBeaconAmsterdam001

Like mentioned before: if anyone would know exact locations, then at least someone could use those for localization experiments… (Assuming people would not replay the very same packets from totally different locations.)

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DevAddr Name Location
BEACE001 ThingsBeaconWalem001 51.0613, 4.46262
BEACE100 ThingsBeaconBrussel1 50.838, 4.3373
BEACE101 ThingsBeaconBrugge01
BEACE102 ThingsBeaconVreren01 50.7375, 5.50605
BEACE103 ThingsBeaconAmsterdam001 52.3457, 4.82638

They are actually quite handy to test your gateway, and also receiving sensitivity over a period of time.
The ic880a board are sometimes failing when there is lightning in the neighborhood, and then the receiving sensitivity is 20db less.


I don’t know what happened, but BEACE103 is not active anymore. Up untill two days ago I could decode it every 10mins. Now nothing…

They are watching us!

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someone broke the power going to the system, its a 235 km drive for me to fix it .


This makes sense, I see the BEACE100 also and I am living in Zeeland ever 10 minutes

Look to this Topic : Gateway is receiving the exact same packet for DevAddr "BEACE103" every 10 minutes

All ready mentioned in the past
