Gateway is already registered

Make your gateway ID- panam-gateway-1

As already explained - delete the old registration and try again with a new GW ID - the system will autopopulate with one based on the eui as you can see - delete this and overtype with your new free form text AS ADVISED…


now in the gateway id I will put panam-gateway-1 ?

Now on our gateway it self, change the Gateway ID to match what is on the console, so with the Gateway EUI and Gateway Server address use port 1700

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I will try it


from here I can’t change the gateway id now

No not at all, just use that ID to get your gateway up.

ok, I don’t need to change anything here?

Just get your gateway to match the settings :smiley:

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i am so sorry thanks for you are help!!!

As Jac mentioned earlier some of your previous pictures have content obscured by menues etc. The docs for this item seem to use old TTN V2 console for setting up, which doesn’t help as should really be updated for V3 (Shame on you Rising HF! :wink: ), however I notice that whilst you have packet forwarder protocol enabled your pictures dont show which version/how set up. On early systems I believe they supported both the legacy Semtech Packet forwarder and what was labled the TTN Packet Forwarder - an alternate implementation, with a different back end connection mechanism, that is now deprecated! Have you fallen into the trap of doing what might seem logical and selecting TTN Packet Forwarder in the set up? If so please show us the options you are presented with and change and selection to Semtech Packet Forwarder - this is the classic system that makes use of UDP targeting Port 1700 and should work seamlessly with the guidance you have been given.

I have tried to register my gateway again by deleting the ID 503139532b7c4750 from the list. It keeps on telling me that it already exists. How can I fix this?

First question that comes to mind is why you felt the need to delete it and register again. There should not be any need.

To help resolve your issue we need to know the exact error message you get. If it mentions the ID being taken (90% of the cases and a question that appears on the forum at least once every week) you need to add it again with the same EUI but a different ID (that is a field you can modify from the proposed default value).

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Dear Jac, I faced a similar problem.

Here is the detail error log

“code”: 6,
“message”: “error:pkg/util/store:id_taken (ID already taken, choose a different one and try again)”,
“details”: [
@type”: “”,
“namespace”: “pkg/util/store”,
“name”: “id_taken”,
“message_format”: “ID already taken, choose a different one and try again”,
“correlation_id”: “3c40d6bbda924f3b98cabcd9370f192f”,
“cause”: {
“namespace”: “pkg/util/store”,
“name”: “already_exists”,
“message_format”: “already exists”,
“correlation_id”: “6bf764c861154a66a387267ada96b9b7”,
“code”: 6
“code”: 6

In fact, I just started to use TTN, could not see the gw activity on console so that I tried to delete and add again.

I would appriciate your help.

@loraproje: Please don’t post the same issue on multiple threads. See the other thread for my response.

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