Full Arduino Mini LoraWAN below 1uA Sleep Mode

this size if for total sketch not only the library, since it contains float management and arduino core, it’s not only library.

Look this basic sketch

void setup() {    
void loop()  {
  static float f = 1.0;
  f += 0.1;

and compilation

Sketch uses 3148 bytes (10%) of program storage space. Maximum is 30720 bytes.
Global variables use 200 bytes (9%) of dynamic memory, leaving 1848 bytes for local variables. Maximum is 2048 bytes.

3148 bytes used by Arduino core, so may be lib is more like 4K than 8K, but still too much for an I2C device

And for fun, adding I2C library (wire), 4642 bytes, so definitively Gas lib should fit with some tweaking

#include <Wire.h>

void setup() {    

void loop() {
  static float f = 1.0;

  f += 0.1;
Sketch uses 4642 bytes (15%) of program storage space. Maximum is 30720 bytes.
Global variables use 378 bytes (18%) of dynamic memory, leaving 1670 bytes for local variables. Maximum is 2048 bytes.

Do you have some examples of how you are entering and resuming from sleep in the LMIC library between measurements?

Doesn’t necessarily need to be with your cut down code but I’d be interested to see an example even with the base library. Thanks for all the great boards!


All is done in loop, with LMIC events callback and a global flag (timetosleep) to indicate the sleep mode needed.

I’m sleeping x time of watchdog 8s in loop, once max time is triggered, I set timetosleep to false and I send LMIC data and refreshing LMIC in loop
on EV_TXCOMPLETE event I set timetosleep to true, then, loop() go back sleeping until x time of 8S watchdog occurs.

Of course setup need to start lmic and join, on joined I fire a LMIC timer to send first packed 10ms later. then on packet sent (EV_TXCOMPLETE ) loop will go to sleep


Hi Charles, I think we need to adjust the LMIC ticks so the duty cycle is not violated. Some solution posted in this forum includes adjusting the Timer0 overflow (which then adjust the micros()). But, I think that is too hardware dependent. I’m looking whether we can add a function to LMIC like adjustTime(SLEEP_INTERVAL) (I’m simply putting a name here). Call after the MCU wake up.

I’m sending a packet every 5 min (approx), so I don’t think I’m violating the duty cyle. In fact, the Watchdog wake me 37 times on which I’m going back to sleep immediately. the 38 wake, I’m powering sensors, do measure, send packet and going to sleep again :wink:

For those asked here a skeleton of my code, I removed lot of debug and sensor management, but you’ve got the main concept. Note that push button help me to do different actions depending on how much time I press it :wink:

// Schedule TX every this many seconds (multiple of 8 due to watchdog).
// Takr care of to duty cycle limitations).
#define TX_INTERVAL 300

// Watchdog count between transmit

// Some counter demo used in IRQ
volatile uint32_t iWakeCounter = 0;
volatile uint32_t iSwitchCounter = 0 ;
volatile uint32_t iWatchdogCounter = 0 ;
volatile uint8_t  iIrq=0;
bool timeToSleep = false;

// give ULPNode instance
ULPNode  ulpn;

/* ======================================================================
Function: wakeInterruptHandler
Purpose : IRQ Handler called when external device wake us
Input   : - 
Output  : - 
Comments: once fired this interrupt disable itself
====================================================================== */
void wakeInterruptHandler(void)
  // Inc counter and set flag for main loop

/* ======================================================================
Function: switchInterruptHandler
Purpose : IRQ Handler called when switch is pressed/released (for wake)
Input   : - 
Output  : - 
Comments: once fired this interrupt disable itself
====================================================================== */
void switchInterruptHandler(void)
  // Inc counter and set flag for main loop

/* ======================================================================
Function: watchdogInterruptHandler
Purpose : IRQ Handler called when watchdog IRQ occurs
Input   : - 
Output  : - 
Comments: once fired this interrupt disable the watchdog
====================================================================== */
void watchdogInterruptHandler(void) 
  // Inc counter and set flag for main loop

/* ======================================================================
Function: onEvent
Purpose : called my LMIC stack on event received
Input   : event type
Output  : - 
Comments: -
====================================================================== */
void onEvent (ev_t ev) {
  static unsigned long last_time=0;
  unsigned long now = millis() / 1000;
  DebugF(" ("); showTime(now-last_time);  DebugF(") ");
  last_time = now;
  switch(ev) {
    case EV_SCAN_TIMEOUT:   DebuglnF("EV_SCAN_TIMEOUT");    break;
    case EV_BEACON_FOUND:   DebuglnF("EV_BEACON_FOUND");    break;
    case EV_BEACON_MISSED:  DebuglnF("EV_BEACON_MISSED");   break;
    case EV_BEACON_TRACKED: DebuglnF("EV_BEACON_TRACKED");  break;
    case EV_JOINING:        DebuglnF("EV_JOINING");         break;
    case EV_RFU1:           DebuglnF("EV_RFU1");            break;
    case EV_JOIN_FAILED:    DebuglnF("EV_JOIN_FAILED");     break;
    case EV_REJOIN_FAILED:  DebuglnF("EV_REJOIN_FAILED");   break;
    case EV_LOST_TSYNC:     DebuglnF("EV_LOST_TSYNC");      break;
    case EV_RESET:          DebuglnF("EV_RESET");           break;
    case EV_RXCOMPLETE:     DebuglnF("EV_RXCOMPLETE");      break;
    case EV_LINK_DEAD:      DebuglnF("EV_LINK_DEAD");       break;
    case EV_LINK_ALIVE:     DebuglnF("EV_LINK_ALIVE");      break;
    case EV_SCAN_FOUND:     DebuglnF("EV_SCAN_FOUND");      break;
    case EV_TXSTART:        DebuglnF("EV_TXSTART");         break;

      DebugF("EV_TXCOMPLETE ");

      // Remove timeout job;

      if (LMIC.txrxFlags & TXRX_ACK) {
        DebugF("with ACK");
        ulpn.RGBBlink(2, RGB_GREEN, WDTO_120MS);
      } else {
        // Needed ACK didn't received it ?
        if ( send_packet_ack) {
          ulpn.RGBBlink(1, RGB_RED, WDTO_120MS);

      if (LMIC.dataLen) {
        DebugF("Received ");
        DebuglnF(" bytes");
        ulpn.RGBBlink(2, RGB_BLUE, WDTO_120MS);

      // we done
      timeToSleep = true;

    case EV_JOINED: {
      // Disable link check validation (automatically enabled
      // during join, but not supported by TTN at this time).

      // Ok send our first data in 10 ms
      os_setTimedCallback(&sendjob, os_getTime() + ms2osticks(10), do_send);

      DebugF("Unknown event #");

/* ======================================================================
Function: do_send
Purpose : send LoraWAN packet
Input   : 
Output  : - 
Comments: -
====================================================================== */
void do_send(osjob_t* j) 
  static uint16_t frameCounter=0;

  // Check if there is not a current TX/RX job running
  if (LMIC.opmode & OP_TXRXPEND) {
    #if DEBUG > 1
    showTime(millis() / 1000);
    DebuglnF(" OP_TXRXPEND, not sending");

  } else if (LMIC.opmode & OP_JOINING) {
    #if DEBUG > 1
    showTime(millis() / 1000);
    DebuglnF(" OP_JOINING, not sending");
  } else {
    uint8_t len = 0;
    uint8_t payload[32] ; // Max, not all will be used, len is calculated on each data added
    uint8_t *p=&payload[0];
    // sensors reading + payload creation
    // ...
    // ...


    // calculate Len of packet we created
    len = p - &payload[0];

    // Send Data
    LMIC_setTxData2(1, payload, len,  send_packet_ack);


/* ======================================================================
Function: setup
Purpose : setup initial config
Input   : 
Output  : - 
Comments: -
====================================================================== */
void setup() {
  uint8_t tmp;

  // Init ULPNode I/O, Radio; Vbat 

  // Enable global watchdog to avoid lockups


  // Define IRQ callbacks we need in "user space"
  // Here we want callbacks of 
  // watchdog, wake and switch push button
  ulpn.attachWakeInterrupt( wakeInterruptHandler ); 
  ulpn.attachSwitchInterrupt( switchInterruptHandler ); 
  ulpn.attachWatchdogInterrupt( watchdogInterruptHandler ); 

  // Give power to sensors 


  // Do a I2C scan, this will look for known devices and 
  // set the accordings flags to global status
  // You can use it for debug
  if ( (tmp=ulpn.i2cScan()) > 0 ) {
    ulpn.RGBBlink(tmp, RGB_PINK, WDTO_120MS);


  // LMIC init

  // Reset the MAC state. Session and pending data transfers will be discarded.

  // Enable data rate adaptation

  // Increase RX1 Windows by 1% in case of clock error on board (crystal shift)
  // This clearly increase son OTAA Join request to works first time even with SF7
  LMIC_setClockError(MAX_CLOCK_ERROR * 1 / 100);

  // Join the network, sending will be
  // started after the event "Joined"

  timeToSleep = false;

/* ======================================================================
Function: loop
Purpose : main loop
Input   : -
Output  : - 
Comments: -
====================================================================== */
void loop() {

  static uint8_t wdt_period = APP_WATCHDOG_8S;// in 8S (set to APP_WATCHDOG_NONE for external wake only)
  static uint8_t wdt_count  = WDT_WAKE_COUNT; // number of WDT wake between transmit

  static bool led_state ;
  bool new_led_state ;
  int16_t send_packet_ms = 0; // Delay sending packet in xxx ms

  uint32_t WakeCounter = 0;
  uint32_t SwitchCounter = 0 ;
  uint32_t WatchdogCounter = 0;
  uint8_t  IrqTrigger = 0;

  // action to be done with button, default none
  btn_action_e SwitchAction = BTN_NONE;

  // Need to go sleeping ?
  if (timeToSleep) {

    // Wait n WDT wake to do things
    while (wdt_count--) {

      goSleeping( SLEEP_BOD_OFF | SLEEP_WAKE_EXT | SLEEP_WAKE_SWITCH, wdt_period );

      // IRQ are disabled, it's safe to get these values
      WakeCounter     = iWakeCounter;
      SwitchCounter   = iSwitchCounter;
      WatchdogCounter = iWatchdogCounter;
      IrqTrigger      = iIrq;

      // Only Watchdog
      if (IrqTrigger == SLEEP_WAKE_WATCHDOG && wdt_count) {
        // Ack this IRQ
        IrqTrigger &= ~SLEEP_WAKE_WATCHDOG;

      } else {
        // Break of while exit sleep mode if it's other IRQ
        wdt_count =0;

    // Restart out watchdog count counter
    wdt_count = WDT_WAKE_COUNT;

    // Set to true for next loop
    // will be reset in case ne need to transmit
    timeToSleep = true;

  // Enable global watchdog to avoid lockups

  // Ok loop in case we've been triggered by differents IRQ
  // we need to proccess all IRQ
  // I don't think this could happen, but does not hurt to check
  while (IrqTrigger)  {
    // Reset RGB default color to none

    // Waked by external Wake 
    if (IrqTrigger & SLEEP_WAKE_EXT ) {
      // Ack this IRQ
      IrqTrigger &= ~SLEEP_WAKE_EXT;


      // Need to send a packet in 100 ms
      send_packet_ms = 100;

    // Waked by push button
    } else if (IrqTrigger & SLEEP_WAKE_SWITCH ) {

      // Get switch port state 
      uint8_t button_port = digitalRead(SWITCH_PIN);

      // Ack this IRQ
      IrqTrigger &= ~SLEEP_WAKE_SWITCH;

      // Button pressed 
      if (button_port==BTN_PRESSED) {
        btn_state_e btn_state;

        // we enter into the loop to manage
        // the function that will be done
        // depending on button press duration
        do {
          // keep watching the push button:
          btn_state = ulpn.buttonManageState(button_port);

          if (btn_state == BTN_WAIT_LONG_RELEASE)

          // read new state button
          button_port = digitalRead(SWITCH_PIN);

          // Pat the dog, this loop can be as long 
          // as button is pressed
        // we loop until button state machine finished
        while (btn_state != BTN_WAIT_PUSH);

        // Get and save action we need to do after button analyze
        SwitchAction = ulpn.buttonAction();

      // If button still pressed

    } else if (IrqTrigger & SLEEP_WAKE_WATCHDOG ) {
      // Waked by watchdog
      // Ack this IRQ
      IrqTrigger &= ~SLEEP_WAKE_WATCHDOG;

      // Need to send a packet in 100 ms
      send_packet_ms = 100;

    } else if ( IrqTrigger ) {
      // Another Wake ? weird !!!
      // ACK all other parasite IRQ, except the one we're dealing on 

   // On button timeout we do absolutely nothing
    if ( SwitchAction != BTN_TIMEOUT) {

      // What action we want to do depending on button press ?
      if (SwitchAction != BTN_NONE ) {

        if (SwitchAction==BTN_BAD_PRESS) {
        if (SwitchAction==BTN_QUICK_PRESS) {
          // Will send a packet
          send_packet_ms = 10;
        // Button pressed between 1 and 2 seconds 
        if (SwitchAction==BTN_PRESSED_12) {

          // Invert ACK Mode
          if (send_packet_ack) {
            send_packet_ack = false;
            ulpn.RGBBlink(2, RGB_RED, WDTO_120MS);
          } else {
            send_packet_ack = true;
            ulpn.RGBBlink(2, RGB_GREEN, WDTO_120MS);
        // Button pressed between 2 and 3 seconds ?
        if ( SwitchAction==BTN_PRESSED_23) {
          // disable watchdog wake (now only external interrupts
          wdt_period = APP_WATCHDOG_NONE;
        if (SwitchAction==BTN_PRESSED_34) {
          // enable watchdog wake
          wdt_period = APP_WATCHDOG_8S;
        if (SwitchAction==BTN_PRESSED_45) {
        if (SwitchAction==BTN_TIMEOUT) {
      } // we had a button press

    } // if not button time out

    // Pat the dog

  } // While IrqTrigger

  // something to send
  if (send_packet_ms) {
    timeToSleep = false;
    os_setTimedCallback(&sendjob, os_getTime()+ ms2osticks(send_packet_ms), do_send);
    send_packet_ms = 0;

  // We've done all our IRQ, ACK them !!!
  iIrq = 0;

  // Pat the dog

  // Don't forget LMIC STACK

  // All follow is Led management

  // Let join at the begining of if sequence,
  // is prior to send because joining state send data
  // Joining Quick blink 50ms on each 1/5 second
  if ( LMIC.opmode & (OP_JOINING | OP_REJOIN) )  {
    //new_led_state = ((millis() % 200) < 50) ? HIGH : LOW;
    new_led_state = ((millis() % 150) < 10) ? HIGH : LOW;

    // If sensors detected
    if (ulpn.status() & ( RF_NODE_STATE_SENSOR) ) {
      // Join deal with GREEN
    } else {
      // Join deal with RED 


  // Small blink 100ms on each 1/2sec
  if (LMIC.opmode & (OP_TXDATA | OP_TXRXPEND)) {
    // Sending and not joining else keep join speed
    if ( !(LMIC.opmode & (OP_JOINING | OP_REJOIN)) )  {
      new_led_state = ((millis() % 500) < 10) ? HIGH : LOW;

    // If sensors detected
    if (ulpn.status() & ( RF_NODE_STATE_SENSOR) ) {
      // Send deal with BLUE + GREEN
    } else {
      // Send deal with BLUE + RED 


  // This should not happen but blink yellow to see
  if ( LMIC.opmode & (OP_TXDATA | OP_TXRXPEND | OP_JOINING | OP_REJOIN) == 0 ) {
    new_led_state = ((millis() % 2000) < 200) ? HIGH : LOW;

    // Other all is off RED + GREEN

  // led  need to change state ?
  // avoid digitalWrite() for nothing
  if (led_state != new_led_state) {
    if (new_led_state == HIGH) {
    } else {

    led_state = new_led_state;



I would like to thank you for sharing your works and your ideas. There is so much to learn.

I was wondering what the purpose of using the Microchip 24AA02E64T ? I don’t get it. If someone can explain, It will be kind.

Thanks for your comment. The Chip is to have a unique LoraWan ID but it’s not mandatory to have this chip, you can set your ID in your sketch code, no problem.

1 Like

Oh Ok. Sorry for my weakness on electronics. I’m a newbie there ^^
How isthe microchip programmed ? Through the arduino ?

No problem, forums are here for this :wink:

Microchip ID is factory programmed but as it’s an I2C EEP also (as far as I know) you should be able to put some data onto, but the main code goes into the arduino mini with code flashed with Arduino IDE.
And as the arduino pro mini also have a EEP, you don’t need to use the Microchip one. Just in case you want to be sure to have a unique factory ID for your device.

So to be simple, if you’re not sure what to do with Microchip 24AA02E64T, you just don’t need to have it, keep only the Arduino Pro Mini and put your device ID in your sketch with APPEUI and APPKEY :wink:


The big problem I see is even if you buy these chips, someone may have used the same ID by randomly generating one.

It would be great if TTN could generate a set of device IDs for an application and export them so you can customise into EEPROM on the bench

I’m not a huge specialist, may be TTN guys will correct me, but I think if it’s not on the same APPEUI, same devices ID are not a problem? but may be I’m wrong?

These IDs should be unique, ranges are sold by IEEE, so someone might be generating random IDs, but that would not be a legal solution.

thanks @kersing, always interesting answers you give :wink:
So having 2 identicals ID is more a legal problem then a technical problem on the backend?
So this mean all LoRaWan devices sellers may buy range from IEEE or chip with ID.
Not sure everyone is doing this, for now I will do and buy some ID chip even for POC with customers :wink:

1 Like

When ttn is used to generate node IDs are these unique and part of an authorised allocation?

Thanks @Charles for clarifying :slight_smile:

@Charles, I just received a batch of the V1.1 PCB’s from PCB’s IO. They look good as always, but taking a closer look at them I find that A4 and A5 don’t seem to connect to the SDA / SCL lines. Taking a closer look at the PCB’s IO project page now there is a V1.1A version which does have the wire-ing correct. I presume that that the 2 missing wires are a bug in the V1.1? :thinking:

Luckily nothing 2 wire-wrap wires can’t fix. :slight_smile:

thanks for your comment, you’re are correct, it’s a bug in v1.1 fixed in V1.1a (PCBs.io and github were updated according to)
I missed that one because tested with Arduino Mini where SCL/SDA are located on 2 other pins (these 2 others are correctly connected)
Source on github,

1 Like

Thanks for the feedback @Charles. Mistakes are easily made with all those different versions of the Arduino’s and clones. 2 small wire-wrap wires will fix the it for my arduino’s. :ok_hand:

@Charles I was wondering If I can use an arduino mega to change the bootlader on my pro mini.
If I understood correctly the process:

  1. Change bootlader to an custom optiboot
  2. Build my own ULPN libray (cause yours is under NDA)
  3. Add any necessary lib for the purpose

Is it Right ?