Hi there! I need some help with my current setup.
Using The Things Stack v3.8.6
My node is using the LMIC library: arduino-lmic
I have a private iC880a-based gateway with a RPi.
From the console, the gateway is receiving an uplink message:
(The problem persists with a confirmed or unconfirmed uplink.)
"@type": "type.googleapis.com/ttn.lorawan.v3.UplinkMessage",
"raw_payload": "QEyAgQAAAAAKaat2QnElaPq6C7R63kB7p1YmpXlRSQ==",
"payload": {
"m_hdr": {
"m_type": "UNCONFIRMED_UP"
"mic": "pXlRSQ==",
"mac_payload": {
"f_hdr": {
"dev_addr": "0081804C",
"f_ctrl": {}
"f_port": 10,
"frm_payload": "aat2QnElaPq6C7R63kB7p1Ym"
"settings": {
"data_rate": {
"lora": {
"bandwidth": 125000,
"spreading_factor": 11
"coding_rate": "4/5",
"frequency": "868100000",
"timestamp": 1222956060,
"time": "2020-07-31T08:20:58.120264Z"
"rx_metadata": [
"gateway_ids": {
"gateway_id": "ic880a",
"eui": "B827EBFFFE09CD2D"
"time": "2020-07-31T08:20:58.120264Z",
"timestamp": 1222956060,
"rssi": -66,
"channel_rssi": -66,
"snr": 13.8,
"uplink_token": "ChQKEgoGaWM4ODBhEgi4J+v//gnNLRCcqJPHBA=="
"received_at": "2020-07-31T08:20:58.141421195Z",
"correlation_ids": [
Immediately after, the message is dropped and is never forwarded to the application:
"@type": "type.googleapis.com/ttn.lorawan.v3.ErrorDetails",
"namespace": "pkg/gatewayserver",
"name": "host_handle",
"message_format": "host `{host}` failed to handle message",
"attributes": {
"host": "cluster"
"cause": {
"namespace": "pkg/networkserver",
"name": "device_not_found",
"message_format": "device not found",
"correlation_id": "63ea98f2348d4f97b103fb25b42a7ce1",
"code": 5
"code": 5
Regarding the node, I joined the network with OTAA.
The first message after being joined does not get dropped, if I force the node to join again and get new keys and address. The node has ESP32 and goes to deep sleep after every message sent. The OTAA info is saved in non-volatile memory. I thought that might be the problem, but I checked and the keys and addr are being saved and read correctly.
Changing the spreading factor does not change this behaviour.
ADR is disabled.
I’m not sure how to interpret the error message correctly and how to proceed for a fix, any help is appreciated.