Feather m0 OTTA in EU

I have no experience with this board but I do see Temperature in your message.

Try the ttn-abp.ino and ttn-otaa.ino examples included with the LoRaWAN library first.
These will help you test the basics of your board without any additional code (which will only complicate things).

You should also provide some more information like what IDE you are using, how your pin mappings are configured, exactly how/where have you set your region (EU) etc.
Do you know the exact/correct hardware pinmappings for this board?

Check the start posts in the following two topics to get some more understanding about what is involved (the topics are for different microcontroller boards but give insight in which aspects play a role):

Except for checking serial output of the board also check the application data in the TTN Console and if you have your own gateway check the gateway log in the TTN Console also.

For a SAMD microcontroller based board like the Feather M0 it should not be necessary to relax timing using setClockError() so better don’t. Enabling a workaround that is not needed will not make things better (and possibly worse).