The Cayenne map offers the option of displaying current position only or a track of reports by day. There is also a history function that allows display of previous days.
As far as instructions, you just need to make sure your devices are configured to uplink data in Cayenne LPP format, set your TTN application payload format to Cayenne, add the Cayenne integration to your TTN application, and then add your devices to your Cayenne account.
If there aren’t gateways, of course the device is unusable. It is not something that you use standalone, you need a LoRaWAN infrastructure. Sorry for this question too, but why you bought it?
Look at the map and go to the nearest place where there is a gateway (TTNMapper for a better idea of coverage). If you configured everything well, you will see a packet every ~ 3 minutes.
If I use a USB TTL device I see this after poweron in putty (GPS data anonymized):
Roll=-366 Pitch=925
South: 39.3005
East: 78.9499
***** UpLinkCounter= 4 *****
TX on freq 868500000 Hz at DR 0
Server_TX_DUTYCYCLE: 60000
seng data
In the TTN console I do not see any data coming in.
I do not have a gateway but drove around many times in areas where gateways are.
AT+CFG gives me this (EUIs, Addresses and Keys anonymized):
Did you create an application, register the device, etc?
Mine worked just out of the box, without touching it at all but after properly setting everything in the console.
Got my LGT-92 this week, everything seems to be working fine except for the ALARM Button, it doesn’t seem to work, tried downgrading the device to v1.3 and back to v1.4, still experiencing the same issue.
Hello, I have set LGT-92 using AT+DR=0 until AT+DR=5 when transmit data to Lorawan Gateway, but there is no data is transmited using SF12, is only can transmit using SF7-SF10. Is it posible to using SF12 when transmit data? I’m using kerlink station Gateway and TTN Server. Thanks
Hello, I have used AT+SGM=1 to active the motion sensor to get 12 bytes
payload. but somehow i am only getting 8 bytes could you please help me what went wrong?
Payload: 05 32 8e f3 28 37 0f af
Hi there,
it makes my sick spending useless hours of trying things to get working…maybe all this lora stuff is only for makers and people having a looot of time and no other things to do and they have fun spending hours in this…I dont, I want to use things and trying to make them working.
I tried to get cayenne Integration work with my ttn device and of course nothing worked.
The Android app was crashing all the time when creating a new device and so on and cayenne did not show anything.
So could anyone write a walk thru how to make the gps position of the lgt-92 visible in a map like ordinary gsm gps tracker does (much easier and user orientated).
I think cayenne might be the “easiest” and costless way.
The problem with ‘walkthroughs’ is that they take a great deal of time to write and check. Ideally the manufacturers of products (i.e. the ones making the profits) would write them, but often they appear to rely on volunteers to support their products, so ‘walkthroughs’ may not be produced.