Hi @camiIoiot,
To get useful feedback (and prevent others from having to make guesses) you really should provide more (and detailed) information like:
- What is the version of your board?
- Which LMIC library are you using (URL, version)?
- What is your region/frequency band you are using ?
- What sketch are you using?
- Have you configured all pin mappings correctly?
- Have you added any manual wiring for DIO1 (which is required for several versions of the BSFrance LoRa32u4 II boards)?
- Are you using OTAA or ABP activation?
- Have you explicitly set Clock Error or not (required for these boards to prevent problems with timing/joins/down links)?
A simple search for loara32u4 shows below thread on top which contains probably most of the information that you need (start reading at the top).
Try to follow the information and instructions in below LoRa32u4 thread first. If that still does not help then please post your questions in below thread.