I’d consider my self pretty clued up on MCCI LMIC and this would be the first time someone has used it on the LRWAN1 which has a nice certified module with the ‘official’ LoRa-node code base. Both code bases have their foibles so YMMV and given the relatively clear separation between sensor/device/app code and the LoRaWAN code in both, porting back should be feasible.
This would appear to be the crux of the matter. MCCI are moving towards certification so it not working for a region seems unlikely. Have you set it for sub-band 1? Any commentary on the MCCI LMIC GitHub regarding AU915 that may give you any clues?
I’m more firmware & use the expertise on here for RF, but I’m not sure how you’d get two blips on a scope like that as one device is transmitting and then another one is transmitting and it’s not clear from the divisions what the time gap is. Normally people post pictures of an SDI which shows us the actual chirp. If anyone else is going to comment, perhaps some more info would be useful.
I heartily agree - but it is a quick win as an alternative to delete & add. But as I say, I can add a device and not have the counter get in the way. Here’s the CLI that I use for LMIC:
ttn-lw-cli dev create **Your-App-ID** **Desired-Device-ID**
--dev-eui **An-EUI**
--frequency-plan-id EU_863_870_TTN
--lorawan-version 1.0.3
--lorawan-phy-version 1.0.3-a
--abp --session.dev-addr **260B-Not-Sure-Find-One**
--session.keys.app-s-key.key **Random-Key**
--session.keys.f_nwk_s_int_key.key **Another-Random-Key**
--mac-settings.factory-preset-frequencies 867100000,867300000,867500000,867700000,867900000,868100000,868300000,868500000
--mac-settings.rx1-delay RX_DELAY_5
Obviously you’ll need to alter this for the AU915 band. You can grab a random EUI and some keys from here: Random EUI or Key generator. I’m still trying to elicit a response from TTI about the generation of valid DevAddr on the CLI.
I mean’t here - a totally different set of eye balls.
Compared to delete & re-add??? Not really that much investigating or exploring to do:
ttn-lw-cli end-devices reset [application-id] [device-id] --session.last-f-cnt-up
And by searching the forum: Uplink messages not arriving anymore - #12 by descartes
But for the very quickest win, there is this:
which is created by a forum member so you can use LMIC and ask questions, the second bit being the most important as you appear to have dug yourself a deep deep hole before asking for help.