So here is my approach to get a t-beam running with the DeuxVis sketch.
I completed the description from DeuxVis, that gives me problems when I tried to do it.
Read the readme for this sketch first.
1.1 If not done yet, install the drivers to connect your PC with the t-beam
1.2 Create a mapping node in TTN to get the important device address and keys. -
Install Arduino Software
2.1 I choosed to install it on c-drive, not another partition. The windows-folder with the libraries will be at your personal documents-folder.
2.2 Download the software mentioned
Arduino IDE [ESP32 extension]
To download, you have to click the green clone/download button and choose zip-file.
Don´t extract the zip-file.
2.3 Download the file from Lora-TTNMapper-T-Beam and unzip the files.
The 4 most important files are Lora-TTNMapper-T-Beam.ino, config.h, gps.cpp and gps.h
2.4 Put the 4 files in the same folder. -
Start Arduino Software
3.1 Install the zip-files (Arduino IDE, TinyGPS++, LMIC-Arduino by clicking the menu: sketch/include library and choose zip-library
Here you have to choose the three zip-files downloaded before.
3.2 After the 3 zips are included, close the Arduino program.
3.3 Go to the new folder and double click the file Lora-TTNMapper-T-Beam.ino
3.4 The windows should now include 4 tabs, one for each file.
3.5 After that go to menu and click tools/board and choose “heltec wifi lora32”
3.6 Connect the t-beam to the PC, power it on (the newest t-beam is automatically on) and check the serial-port in the Arduino-Software under Menu/tools/port if its correct.
3.7 Before upload you have to edit the config.h tab with your own device address and keys in the arduino Program that you generate in TTN - see step 1.2
Go to the Device Overview in the TTN-page of the mapping node.
Copy the network session key and application session key in hex-data by clicking the <> sign and click the clipboard sign and replace the data with brackets { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 }
The last line to change is: static const u4_t DEVADDR = 0x00000000
You needs to replace the device address in “natural numbers” - not in hex-code! Keep the 0x and replace only the 00000000 with your device address (DevAddr)
3.8 To check if everything works fine but without upload, click the “ok”-sign on the upper left in the Arduino-Program.
After that, the Program should compile the data and when it finished without any error-messages you can try to upload it to the t-beam.
3.9 Upload the data to t-beam by clicking the right arrow >
The Program should compile the data and after that it should upload the data to the t-beam device.
3.10 After upload process is finish (Leaving…Hard resetting via RTS pin…) separate the usb-cable and start t-beam
You should now have a mapping t-beam, it starts transmitting, when it has a gps-fix.