I got your code to work as an “integration” between a TTN node device to Cayenne - well done.
In my case, I started with a TTN node device running the “Cayenne_lpp” sketch with the integration “Cayenne” setup and running.
The first thing I did, was remove the “Cayenne” integration in the TTN console.
Next I set up a node-red as you have shown.
The only thing I did differently. was change a few things in your “Recode” function
i.e. assign the correct channels to data and use this line to encode to base64
msg.payload_raw = buf.toString('Base64');
After this, I could see the values change in Cayenne
N.B. Even if the data code isn’t mapped correctly to channels, I still saw that the RSSI and SNR change in Cayenne - so that proves that it is receiving data
*edit - I also got postman to work using as follows: (the trick is not to include Payload)
POST https://lora.mydevices.com/v1/networks/ttn/uplink
Authorization No Auth
Headers Content-Type application/json
Body the json after payload e.g. {"app_id":"xxx..... ...."temperature_5":23.1},"_msgid":"cc993c47.19999"}
For any node, this is the JSON, you need to emulate - no secret needed and you have to publicise the DEVEUI. You also “Base 64” the payload_raw from the byte array (that was set up as per the “Cayenne lpp” format)
N.B. It doesn’t seem to matter what the “metadata” values are, as long as they are there
*edit - added curl command (windows)
curl -v -X POST --data "{\"app_id\":\"YOUR_APP_ID\",\"dev_id\":\"YOUR_DEV_ID\",\"hardware_serial\":\"1122334455667788\",\"payload_raw\":\"BAIAKAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA==\",\"metadata\":{\"gateways\":[{\"gtw_id\":\"TEST_1\",\"rssi\":-73,\"snr\":6.75}]}}" https://lora.mydevices.com/v1/networks/ttn/uplink -H "Content-Type: application/json"