Connecting TTIG to The Things Stack (TTN V3)

I’ve got a question regarding the (now gone) LNS key:

After claiming the device a LNS key was generated and showed up automatically in the general settings of the gateway.

Looking at the settings of my TTIG now shows an empty LNS key (see picture below, I’ve marked the empty field in red). Nevertheless my TTIG in still connected and is still successfully forwarding packets.

So is the LNS key still stored and just not displayed for security reasons (and neither a placeholder) or should I be worried that soon the gateway will disconnect due to a missing LNS key?

Here’s a screenshot of (that part of) my basic settings:


That’s being covered in this issue; Gateway console field 'LoRa Basics Station LNS Authentication Key' is empty after recovering from "An unknown error occurred" · Issue #4335 · TheThingsNetwork/lorawan-stack · GitHub. Please add your comments there.

Let’s keep this topic scoped to TTIG claiming.

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Ok so users who bought their Gateways from Aphla-Omega/ (through can now claim your TTIGs.

Documentation is here as usual; The Things Indoor Gateway | The Things Stack for LoRaWAN

(I’ll remove the remark on in the troubleshooting section soon today).

This has worked for me :+1: - my gateway now shows connected on both the v2 and v3 pages. Traffic showing on v3 gateway (not v2). Data being forwarded to v2 app fine. Should I remove the gateway from v2?

Should I remove it from v2?

Yup. Feel free to do so. Cheers!

Hi @Jeff-UK ,
we have a few customers using the gateways on their own server. That’s why we needed to claim them. We have unclaimed the TTIGs that were sold to TTN customers now.


I claimed my TTIG for iot-shop successfully, and my devices are connected also. It works also fine. thanks for this great thing

Ah, okay. Good to know it’s a known bug. I thought this was related to the claiming process itself.

Thank you :+1:

I added my new TTIG gateway (Amazon/ via the “Add Gateway” route rather than the “Claim Gateway”.
It is currently showing as offline in v3 but is forwarding traffic via the traffic forwarder. What steps do I need to claim the gateway and have it show as online in v3?

Delete it.

TTIG’s in all forms HAVE to be claimed.

You will not be able to re-use the Gateway ID, this is non-negotiable.

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Are we sure, that the vendor cannot claim it back, if he knows all the parameters of a sold device?

Why would they? It would only result in a lot of angry customers.

Operative word being IF.

My last one arrived from RS in a bubble wrap bag ie, no box. So someone could have taken down the details.

If you’d sold a few hundred TTIGs, would you have got each one out, recorded the details and then at a later date claim the device for yourself (rather traceable to an account) but not have physical access to it (as its location is unknown). Why would they do that? In the UK that’s illegal, I’m sure it would be too in the EU.

I previously delete my TTIG Gateway from V2 I added it to V3 Console it shows disconnected. Is there anything else i need to do?

Add is not Claim

As you’ve no doubt been told before, search the forum where you will find instructions for the TTIG and advise not to delete the gateway from v2, just in case.

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Its not regarding migrating from V2 to V3, in January 2021 I deleted my TTIG from V2 and i was told that it cant be restored and i can get back later when TTIG devices can be connected to V3 (or supported by V3)

So my TTIG was already removed from V2 now when i created new Gateway on V3 it shows status disconnected, when i try to claim it, i get error message “No claim authentication code” I’m sure I’m using correct Claim authorization code which i got from TTIG access password

To be brutally honest, this is where you are at, you deleted your gateway prematurely and then you put “I added it to V3 Console it shows disconnected” and then you tell me I’ve got the wrong idea about your message???

Why could you have not used the correct language ‘claim’ with the error you were getting from your first post above.

Your last thread ran for 32 entries, if you can’t respect the other forum members time, please do not expect much in the way of help.

If you read this thread, you’ll see that the error message if it’s not typed in correctly is “Claim authentication code mismatch” whereas you are reporting “No claim authentication code” which suggests you didn’t actually type in the WiFi password (I’m not sure wha the TTIG access password is, accuracy in terminology is everything).

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I’m sorry for my poor English/understanding, I highly appreciate everyone on this forum helping us.

As its said in the help that Claim Authentication code is WIFI code on the back of (TTIG) device
I’m attaching image to show how I’m trying to claim and what error message i get. (Please let me know if i should i hide any information in the picture)


You have the middle part of your EUI the wrong way round

It’s FF FE …

As I said, it’s all about the detail …


Thanks my gateway was connected.