Connecting TTIG to The Things Stack (TTN V3)

The gateway that was registered with EUI 58A0CBFFFE800FB0 hasn’t connected since it was registered, so the EUI was probably entered incorrectly. We’ll unset the EUI from that gateway, so you should now be able to claim your gateway.

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  • claiming 10sek
  • new start 1min
  • ready

:slight_smile: :sunny:

many thx
i’m so pleased


Hi everyone, and Merry Christmas!

I’m experiencing exactly the same problem as @dvbahder here. Same error while claiming:

When I use the CLI to see if anyone else registered this gateway (just in case), it seems nobody did:

I tried the EUI in upper case and lower case, just in case, but got an empty array in both cases.
As @dvbahder, I’m simply trying to migrate from V2 to V3 (all devices migrated already). To the best of my knowledge, I never created this gateway myself in V3. No one else has ever had access to this gateway, it’s plugged next to me in my lab since I bought it.

I guess I’m out of options. Anyway, not urgent really, specially on Christmas Eve, but I would really appreciate some help to see what could be going on.

Thank you all, Merry Christmas, and my very best for next year!

I believe un-migrated TTIGs as of date of V2 shut down (or shortly thereafter) may well have been ‘auto–migrated’ to V3 using the eui as GW ID… you should be able to see this as a listing in your GW console overview (if you were the orginal owner)…is there anything there? If so you can delete and reclaim under a name of your choise at that point.

See here

Note your original V2 details are shown here:

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… as long as you have exactly the same user ID.

@ddemarco, you write several paragraphs without saying EXACTLY which gateway, so just to sanity check, what is is?

Hi Jeff, that’s very much appreciated. While I believe the TTIG meets all conditions in the linked article, it does not show in my console:
I certainly have the same user ID as I had in V2 (ddemarco), because I always logged into V3 using the V2 credentials.

The information you provide in the link seems totally correct, i.e. that’s the data the gateway had on V2. Based on the article, it really looks like the gateway was migrated to V3 automatically, but doesn’t show in my console. It does work, though, as I receive the traffic from all devices. Would that confirm that the gateway was migrated? If so, under which account?

Thank you!

Hi @descartes,

I do have the same user id, as I only logged into V3 using the V2 credentials. I apologize for not including the gateway EUI as text (it was part of the screenshots only), so here it goes: 58a0cbfffe801992

Based on the conditions mentioned by Jeff, I tend to think the gateway was effectively migrated, but for some reason it doesn’t show in my console (checked all three regions just in case).

Here is a bit of data that I’m getting through a webhook, which seems to effectively show the gateway is working fine, as this is extracted from data received from one of the end devices:


I can’t think of anything else to check on my side. It’s working (and probably migrated, right?) but not showing in my V3 console. Anything else you can think of?

All the best,

It looks like someone else registered a gateway with the EUI of your gateway. Looking at the ID of this registered gateway, it looks like this was done by mistake, so I just released the EUI. You should be able to claim your TTIG now.

Hi, that’s brilliant, thank you! The claiming succeeded all right and I’m receiving data from the devices without any issues. Thank you again for your support, and all the best for 2022!


Hi everyone,

I’m experiencing the same problem and always getting the following error when I login to my account.

Error ID: error:pkg/auth/rights:no_gateway_rights
Correlation ID: 2638a37fc5ad4e12ac6b996e728eafea

“code”: 7,
“message”: “error:pkg/auth/rights:no_gateway_rights (no rights for gateway eui-2cf7f21116090001@ttn)”,
“details”: [
@type”: “”,
“namespace”: “pkg/auth/rights”,
“name”: “no_gateway_rights”,
“message_format”: “no rights for gateway {uid}”,
“attributes”: {
“uid”: “eui-2cf7f21116090001@ttn”
“correlation_id”: “2638a37fc5ad4e12ac6b996e728eafea”,
“code”: 7

Here is also a screenshot of the gateway page.

I would really appreciate some help to see what could be going on.

Thank you all!