Iám a newbie with TTN and programming in Arduino.
Tried 2 days on several computers with Arduino 1.8.5. to get my Device EUI. Did all the settings:
- Board is “Sparkfun Pro Micro”
- Processor "ATmega32U4 (3,3V, 8mhz)
- Schets: TTN DeviceInfo (I replace with TTN_FP_EU868)
Node is installed with USB-cable and blinks sometimes blue.
I also did a Node reset 2 pushes (then a got first red and then green light)
Still I get after compiling the following message:
Arduino: 1.8.5 (Windows 7), Board:“SparkFun Pro Micro, ATmega32U4 (3.3V, 8 MHz)”
De schets gebruikt 6258 bytes (21%) programma-opslagruimte. Maximum is 28672 bytes.
Globale variabelen gebruiken 960 bytes (37%) van het dynamisch geheugen. Resteren 1600 bytes voor lokale variabelen. Maximum is 2560 bytes.
---->Kan op de geselecteerde poort geen board vinden. Controleer of u de correcte poort hebt geselecteerd. Indien deze correct is, druk dan op de resetknop van het board nadat u de upload hebt geïnitialiseerd<-----
In the Arduino 1.8.5 program the “port button” is inactive.
Do you know a solution?