I just started my first baby steps with LoRaWan after buying two Heltec WiFi LoRa 32 V2. Living in an urban city the nearest GateWay is out of range and most likely is the standard antenna not helpful. Closer to this gateway I think I was able to connect or at least get a reaction from this gateway. My first working (?) sketch was made with the OTAA.ino sketch from https://robotzero.one/heltec-lora32-lorawan-node/ and solely changing my Heltec/TTN credentials. Found some references in this forum like here likely I should migrate to MCCI LMIC but this was the easiest first attempt;).
Some questions (likely missed reading them in the forum):
- what kind of range can I expect with this Heltec, will a different antenna be an improvement?
- can I continue with this sketch or is diving in MCCI LMIC a better option?