Big ESP32 + SX127x topic part 3

It may be useful to provide some additional information like:

  • What LoRaWAN library are you using and which version?
    (Based on EV_JOIN_TXCOMPLETE apparently you are using some version of MCCI LoRaWAN LMIC library).

  • Which sketch are you using? Is it one of the standard examples or a custom sketch?

  • Have the pin mappings been set correctly in the sketch? And has this been double checked?
    Also verify that DIO1 is truly wired to GPIO33.
    If pin mapping for DIO1 is set incorrectly, downlink messages will not be received (successfully). When downlink messages cannot be received the node will fail to receive/handle the join accept.

  • Have you double checked the correct format of the keys and ID’s required for OTAA, in the sketch? See: Format of Keys and ID's for Arduino LMIC library [HowTo]

  • What is your region and have you correctly configured the LoRaWAN library for your region?
    (Based on the logs this should be one of the 915MHz regions).

  • Did you follow ‘get the basics working first’ in the topic start? If so did you get uplink message to work correctly when using ABP?

Using OTAA you may try to power up the node and leave it trying to join for 20 minutes or so and at the same time watch the Gateway Traffic on the TTN Console and observe when join requests and join accepts are transmitted, what SF/BW they are using and if it will finally join after multiple join attempts.