This looks more like some AliExpress product title than the actual make and model of a board.
Start with getting the exact make (manufacturer), model and version of your board first (read the start of this topic for an impression of a subset of available boards).
The board make, model and version are essential for determining:
- What pin mappings to use
- If manual wiring of DIO ports is required
- If additional code is required to get the board running (e.g. like required for TTGO T-Beam V1.0)
Also take care that the TTN LoRaWAN keys/id’s in the sketch are entered correctly and in the correct byte order. See: Format of Keys and ID's for Arduino LMIC libraries [HowTo]
Please read the following for how to format code and logs in your posts:
How do I format my forum post? [HowTo]