[6 - movement DOPPLER]
The RCWL-0516 is 0.99$ and up. Not tested yet.
one BIG difference between PIR and DOPPLER/RADAR.
radar sensors also detect through a door or a wall and are very sensitive.
they consume more or less the same.
38 - radiation
This would prove once and for all who it is in my house that uses all the paper!!! - now if only it could replace the roll…
I am thinking of the SHT10 sensor but is 50€ a good price for that waterproof or better weather proof sensor?
Meaning the sensor chip it self is about 6€ to 15€ and the housing is about 20€ I have seen.
But the housing (sinter stainless steel) is not very easy to get from germany.
I want to start with a sensor that could be placed into the outside (raindrops should be not harm this sensor).
All the breakout modules are more likely only for experimenting and inhouse installations.
Lothar Behrens
complete :
or this one with another chip :
Thank you. As I saw your first link http://www.electrodragon.com/product/soil-temperaturemoisture-sensor-probe-sht10 I simply ordered that and some other stuff like a buck boost circuit for my solar issue and some other senors about a vew dollars.
That price was a no brainer.
DIY complete humidity & temp sensor SHT10
Temperature measurement accuracy 0,5°C
Humidity measuring accuracy ±4.5%
Temperature measuring range -40…125°C
Tip from Nordrunner ’ is this maybe interesting for converting to LoRaWAN ?
Raspberry Pi Geiger-Müller Interface
Again an idea from Nordrunner, a LoRaWAN lightning detector ?
The possibilities are limitless
Gateway antenna auto-disconnect?