Battery level - http integration

I use an http integration in ttn console. How to insert node battery level into payload decoder or json output. Battery information is contained directly in the LoRaWAN MAC protocol.

Thank you

would be great to see the battery level in the device overview on the console too

LoRaWAN End-Device Status says not implemented and I’ve not seen it anywhere and I think TTN are working on v3 rather than changes to the current stack.

I don’t know if it is in v3, someone else may know.

In the meanwhile, you’ll need to add it to your payload and process it yourself.

the things stack v3 i have installed on one of our vms does not show it either.
thats why i have it in every payload.

Chirpstack does show it in the device overview.

Oh, ok. I did not find it in the documentation. I’ll add it to the payload. Thank you