Application Always Send a Downlink? MAC problem?

My application has a strange behavior, every uplink the application sends back a downlink.


Assuming hex-encoded packet

Message Type = Data
  PHYPayload = 40B72B0226C203000307012DCEC3DB4F6B35BD7B9607F06B32ACC9

( PHYPayload = MHDR[1] | MACPayload[..] | MIC[4] )
        MHDR = 40
  MACPayload = B72B0226C203000307012DCEC3DB4F6B35BD7B9607F0
         MIC = 6B32ACC9

( MACPayload = FHDR | FPort | FRMPayload )
        FHDR = B72B0226C203000307
       FPort = 01
  FRMPayload = 2DCEC3DB4F6B35BD7B9607F0

      ( FHDR = DevAddr[4] | FCtrl[1] | FCnt[2] | FOpts[0..15] )
     DevAddr = 26022BB7 (Big Endian)
       FCtrl = C2
        FCnt = 0003 (Big Endian)
       FOpts = 0307

Message Type = Unconfirmed Data Up
   Direction = up
        FCnt = 3
   FCtrl.ACK = false
   FCtrl.ADR = true

I guess is a MAC problem. The application is send me a MAC command LinkADRReq and the node is send the next uplink the MAC command LinkADRAns to confirm the command.
But the server continuous sending the MAC command.

I suspect is the same issue reported here: Recent change in ADR handling in TNN and LMIC generate downlink loop
Which node is?

I’m using the LMIC based code, looks like thes the issue. Thanks