Amazon Sidewalk

we’ll see soon.

The fact that my post was edited by someone else says a lot :slight_smile:

Not really - such edits are transparent and as you can see was done recently and by Wienke himself - looks to have just removed “CoreCell” reference/graphic (reasons unknown - copyright/use? meant to copy for own use but clipped/cut out instead?..)). “-\Shrugs Shoulders/-” :slight_smile:


As can be seen from these links CoreCell is spcifically called out as a cost/power reduced implementation and ref design for indoorgateway ref design and building monitoring systems (vs Sidewalk implying external?!) <shrugs shoulders again! :slight_smile: > As referenced above some products have made use of LoRa capable node silicon offerings, but potentially using legacy modulations vs LoRa?, no declaration of use of GW si yet…could the 1302 be a logical extension and use case?!

That’s a long stupid story :wink:

himself? :slight_smile:

or atleast someone with his account user/access on forum :wink:

Enough speculation wrt Sidewalk until we know more officially in the longer term me thinks! So will close thread.

Update Jan 28 20:
Ok after 1 more post for now! :slight_smile:

Post in Library 12…
The LIBRARY basement part 12

More PR around Amazon Sidewalk

Note reference to ‘crowd sourced’ network

No specific call out of LoRaWAN - only mentions LoRa directly in the release

Amazons Blog post on the story:

Note reference to “will support multiple protocols including Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), Frequency Shift Keying (FSK) and LoRa in the 900 MHz band”.

The LoRa exclusiveness is now lost.

I dont recall that it was ever LoRa only but rather it was emerging as a multiradio solution - dont recall wifi though I know Borroz suggested it might involve a LoRa - WiFi Mesh system and I beleive one of the devices called out earlier in the thread may have had capability as a WiFi-LoRa/FSK bridging device. I think some of the early ‘Ring’ brand product that were commented as potentially part of the early system development were multi radio per the FCC submissions.I believe idea was devices would opt for the ‘best fit’ available locally or depending on distance/proximity.


More info coming out e.g. here:

More info on system implementation and security configuration in whte paper here

I suspect it could be LoRaWAN based, they recently launched the capability to AWS Core IoT to build out applications using LoRaWAN, imagine the marketing spiel for not only having your own gateways registered in AWS Core IoT but being able to federate with sidewalk and having connectivity via Amazon Echo devices almost anywhere… It would also explain why it is US only for now, maybe they didn’t release echo devices that conform to 868MHz band.

We’ve not seen much update activity on Sidewalk of late but saw this recently

More ref Sidewalk Bridge Pro/application here

Cross linking threads to updtae:

and to update with:

Piggy backing on/Hijacking (a la BT’s WiFi service expansion model) using customer’s routers/devices to (default) provide service coverage… :wink:

This network will collapse about 2 minutes after it is misused by someone and hysteria spreads with wild, technically-unsound claims. Or a journalist wants to make their name by dishing it.

Now if Amazon paid people per uplink they processed, that may help it along …

Helium MkII :rofl!

Remember we are dealing with sheeple in the mass market not technically savy users in the main…they willingly allow Alexa to listen, Ring to watch inviting into their homes a la Mr Orwell’s prediction (ok a few decades too late!)

so not hopefull the great unwashed will ‘revolt’ 'cause - defaults & “convenience” and conditioned over years to become ‘product’ themselves!

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Precisely - so as soon as someone links Amazon Sidewalk to a heinous high profile crime, probably involving automatic weapons & children, the non-technical will turn off the functionality in a moment.

Inside the house they get the convenience & privacy. It’s when they find out that complete strangers are piggy-backing off their domestic systems that it will all go horribly wrong.