If you still prefer to do it in the payload format decoder:
Unsigned numbers are quite doable if you stay away from bitwise operators. To convert 4 bytes to a 32 bits unsigned integer, see uint32
in Abeeway Microtracker Decoder. Or, for a random number of bytes, but still limited to at most 6:
* Convert the array of bytes to an unsigned integer.
* BEWARE: This is only safe up to 0x1FFFFFFFFFFFFF, so: 6 bytes.
function uint(bytes) {
return bytes.reduce(function(acc, b) {
// Unsigned, so don't use any bitwise operators, which would always
// yield a signed 32 bits integer instead.
return acc * 0x100 + b;
}, 0);
var i = 0;
// Convert the next 4 bytes to an unsigned integer number
var serial = uint(bytes.slice(i, i+=4));
If you want a 10 character decimal string with leading zeroes, then I’d first convert it to an unsigned number, like above, and then use ('000000000' + serial).substr(-10)
Or if you want a hexadecimal string, see hex
in the same Abeeway Microtracker Decoder.
(Aside: see also How do I format my forum post? [HowTo] Thanks!)