Base URL:
- Endpoints
- GET /applications
- POST /applications
- GET /applications/{app_id}
- PATCH /applications/{app_id}
- DELETE /applications/{app_id}
- POST /applications/{app_id}/restore
- GET /applications/{app_id}/euis
- POST /applications/{app_id}/euis
- PUT /applications/{app_id}/euis/{eui}
- DELETE /applications/{app_id}/euis/{eui}
- GET /applications/{app_id}/collaborators
- GET /applications/{app_id}/collaborators/{username}
- PUT /applications/{app_id}/collaborators/{username}
- DELETE /applications/{app_id}/collaborators/{username}
- GET /applications/{app_id}/rights
- GET /applications/{app_id}/access-keys
- POST /applications/{app_id}/access-keys
- GET /applications/{app_id}/access-keys/{keyname}
- DELETE /applications/{app_id}/access-keys/{keyname}
- POST /applications/{app_id}/token
- GET /gateways
- POST /gateways
- GET /gateways/{gw_id}
- PATCH /gateways/{gw_id}
- DELETE /gateways/{gw_id}
- GET /gateways/{gw_id}/collaborators
- GET /gateways/{gw_id}/collaborators/{username}
- PUT /gateways/{gw_id}/collaborators/{username}
- DELETE /gateways/{gw_id}/collaborators/{username}
- GET /gateways/{gw_id}/rights
Endpoints #
GET /applications #
Gets all the applictions the user has access to.
in | name | required | description |
query | deleted | false | Set to 1 to also include deleted apps. |
Response: 200 #
A list of applications.
- (array)
- (object)
- id (string) The globally unique identifier of the application.
- name (string) The friendly name/description of the application.
- euis (array) The list of EUIs this application is reachable at.
- (string)
- created (string, date-time) The time this application was created.
- rights (array) A list of rights the current user has for the application.
- (string)
- collaborators (array) (optional) The collaborators that have access to this app.
- (object)
- username (string) The username of the collaborator.
- email (string, email) The email address of the collaborator.
- rights (array) The rights the collaborator has to the specified application or gateway.
- (string)
- (object)
- access_keys (array) (optional) The access keys of this application.
- (object)
- name (string) The friendly name for the access key.
- key (string) The opaque string that is the access key.
- rights (array) The rights the access key will grant if used.
- (string)
- (object)
- deleted (string, date) (optional) Set to the time of app deletion, if and only if the app is to be considered deleted.
- (object)
POST /applications #
Creates an application on the account server and adds the user as its first collaborator.
in | name | required | description |
body | application | false | The application to create. |
Request Body
- (object)
- id (string) The globally unique identifier of the application.
- name (string) The friendly name/description of the application.
- euis (array) The list of EUIs this application is reachable at.
- (string)
- created (string, date-time) The time this application was created.
- rights (array) A list of rights the current user has for the application.
- (string)
- collaborators (array) (optional) The collaborators that have access to this app.
- (object)
- username (string) The username of the collaborator.
- email (string, email) The email address of the collaborator.
- rights (array) The rights the collaborator has to the specified application or gateway.
- (string)
- (object)
- access_keys (array) (optional) The access keys of this application.
- (object)
- name (string) The friendly name for the access key.
- key (string) The opaque string that is the access key.
- rights (array) The rights the access key will grant if used.
- (string)
- (object)
- deleted (string, date) (optional) Set to the time of app deletion, if and only if the app is to be considered deleted.
Response: 201 #
The application was succesfully created.
- (object)
- id (string) The globally unique identifier of the application.
- name (string) The friendly name/description of the application.
- euis (array) The list of EUIs this application is reachable at.
- (string)
- created (string, date-time) The time this application was created.
- rights (array) A list of rights the current user has for the application.
- (string)
- collaborators (array) (optional) The collaborators that have access to this app.
- (object)
- username (string) The username of the collaborator.
- email (string, email) The email address of the collaborator.
- rights (array) The rights the collaborator has to the specified application or gateway.
- (string)
- (object)
- access_keys (array) (optional) The access keys of this application.
- (object)
- name (string) The friendly name for the access key.
- key (string) The opaque string that is the access key.
- rights (array) The rights the access key will grant if used.
- (string)
- (object)
- deleted (string, date) (optional) Set to the time of app deletion, if and only if the app is to be considered deleted.
Response: 409 #
The application could not be created because the id is already taken.
- (object)
- code (number) The error status code (corresponds to the HTTP status code).
- error (string) A human-readable description of what went wrong.
GET /applications/{app_id} #
Gets the application specified by the app_id
in | name | type | required | description |
path | app_id | string | true | The ID of the application. |
Response: 200 #
Application found.
- (object)
- id (string) The globally unique identifier of the application.
- name (string) The friendly name/description of the application.
- euis (array) The list of EUIs this application is reachable at.
- (string)
- created (string, date-time) The time this application was created.
- rights (array) A list of rights the current user has for the application.
- (string)
- collaborators (array) (optional) The collaborators that have access to this app.
- (object)
- username (string) The username of the collaborator.
- email (string, email) The email address of the collaborator.
- rights (array) The rights the collaborator has to the specified application or gateway.
- (string)
- (object)
- access_keys (array) (optional) The access keys of this application.
- (object)
- name (string) The friendly name for the access key.
- key (string) The opaque string that is the access key.
- rights (array) The rights the access key will grant if used.
- (string)
- (object)
- deleted (string, date) (optional) Set to the time of app deletion, if and only if the app is to be considered deleted.
PATCH /applications/{app_id} #
Edits the application specified by the app_id
in | name | type | required | description |
path | app_id | string | true | The ID of the application. |
Response: 204 #
Application edited.
DELETE /applications/{app_id} #
Removes the application specified by the app_id
in | name | type | required | description |
path | app_id | string | true | The ID of the application. |
Response: 204 #
Succesfully removed the application.
POST /applications/{app_id}/restore #
in | name | type | required | description |
path | app_id | string | true | The ID of the application. |
Response: 204 #
Succesfully restored the application.
GET /applications/{app_id}/euis #
Lists all of the applications EUIs.
in | name | type | required | description |
path | app_id | string | true | The ID of the application. |
Response: 200 #
The list of EUIs.
- (array)
- (string)
POST /applications/{app_id}/euis #
Selects a new EUI from the TTN EUI block and adds it to the application.
in | name | type | required | description |
path | app_id | string | true | The ID of the application. |
Response: 201 #
The EUI was created succesfully.
- (string)
PUT /applications/{app_id}/euis/{eui} #
Add an EUI to the application.
in | name | type | required | description | pattern |
path | app_id | string | true | The ID of the application. | |
path | eui | string | true | The EUI of an application. | [0-9A-Z]{16} |
Response: 204 #
The EUI was added successfully.
DELETE /applications/{app_id}/euis/{eui} #
Remove an EUI from the application.
in | name | type | required | description | pattern |
path | app_id | string | true | The ID of the application. | |
path | eui | string | true | The EUI of an application. | [0-9A-Z]{16} |
Response: 204 #
The EUI was removed.
GET /applications/{app_id}/collaborators #
List the collaborators of the application.
in | name | type | required | description |
path | app_id | string | true | The ID of the application. |
Response: 200 #
The list of collaborators.
- (array)
- (object)
- username (string) The username of the collaborator.
- email (string, email) The email address of the collaborator.
- rights (array) The rights the collaborator has to the specified application or gateway.
- (string)
- (object)
GET /applications/{app_id}/collaborators/{username} #
in | name | type | required | description |
path | app_id | string | true | The ID of the application. |
path | username | string | true | The username of a collaborator. |
Response: 200 #
The rights the collaborator has to the application.
- (object)
- username (string) The username of the collaborator.
- email (string, email) The email address of the collaborator.
- rights (array) The rights the collaborator has to the specified application or gateway.
- (string)
PUT /applications/{app_id}/collaborators/{username} #
in | name | type | required | description |
path | app_id | string | true | The ID of the application. |
path | username | string | true | The username of a collaborator. |
body | rights | true | The rights you want to grant the collaborator. |
Request Body
- (array)
- (string)
Response: 201 #
The rights where succesfully added to the collaborator.
DELETE /applications/{app_id}/collaborators/{username} #
Removes a collaborator from the application.
It is not possible to
- remove the last collaborator with the
right from an application
in | name | type | required | description |
path | app_id | string | true | The ID of the application. |
path | username | string | true | The username of a collaborator. |
Response: 204 #
The collaborator was succesfully removed from the application.
GET /applications/{app_id}/rights #
in | name | type | required | description |
path | app_id | string | true | The ID of the application. |
Response: 200 #
The rights you have to the application.
- (array)
- (string)
GET /applications/{app_id}/access-keys #
in | name | type | required | description |
path | app_id | string | true | The ID of the application. |
Response: 200 #
The rights you have to the application.
- (array)
- (object)
- name (string) The friendly name for the access key.
- key (string) The opaque string that is the access key.
- rights (array) The rights the access key will grant if used.
- (string)
- (object)
POST /applications/{app_id}/access-keys #
in | name | type | required | description |
path | app_id | string | true | The ID of the application. |
body | rights | true | The rights the new access key will have |
Request Body
- (object)
- name (string)
- rights (array)
- (string)
Response: 204 #
Access key created successfully.
Response: 401 #
The request is not authorized.
- (object)
- code (number) The error status code (corresponds to the HTTP status code).
- error (string) A human-readable description of what went wrong.
Response: 403 #
The request is authorized but does not have the rights to edit access keys.
- (object)
- code (number) The error status code (corresponds to the HTTP status code).
- error (string) A human-readable description of what went wrong.
Response: 404 #
Application with does not exist.
- (object)
- code (number) The error status code (corresponds to the HTTP status code).
- error (string) A human-readable description of what went wrong.
Response: 409 #
An access key with that name already exists.
- (object)
- code (number) The error status code (corresponds to the HTTP status code).
- error (string) A human-readable description of what went wrong.
GET /applications/{app_id}/access-keys/{keyname} #
in | name | type | required | description |
path | app_id | string | true | The ID of the application. |
path | keyname | string | true | The name of the access key |
Response: 200 #
The resulting access key
- (object)
- name (string) The friendly name for the access key.
- key (string) The opaque string that is the access key.
- rights (array) The rights the access key will grant if used.
- (string)
DELETE /applications/{app_id}/access-keys/{keyname} #
in | name | type | required | description |
path | app_id | string | true | The ID of the application. |
path | keyname | string | true | The name of the access key |
Response: 204 #
The key was successfully removed
POST /applications/{app_id}/token #
in | name | type | required | description |
path | app_id | string | true | The ID of the application. |
body | token_exchange | false | The credentials for the token exchange. |
Request Body
Response: 200 #
Token exchange successful.
GET /gateways #
Gets all the gateways the user has access to.
Response: 200 #
A list of gateways.
- (array)
- (object)
- id (string) The globally unique identifier of the gateway.
- frequency_plan (string) The frequency plan the gateway is using.
- frequency_plan_url (string, url) The URL of the frequency plan description.
- location_public (boolean) Wether or not the location is public.
- owner_public (boolean) Wether or not the owner is public.
- status_public (boolean) Wether or not the status is public.
- attributes (object) A free form map of gateway attributes.
- antenna_location (object) (optional) The (gps) location of the gateway antenna.
- longitude (number) (optional) The longitude.
- latitude (number) (optional) The latitude.
- altitude (integer) (optional) The altitude.
- collaborators (array) (optional) A list of collaborators that have access to the gateway.
- (object)
- username (string) The username of the collaborator.
- email (string, email) The email address of the collaborator.
- rights (array) The rights the collaborator has to the specified application or gateway.
- (string)
- (object)
- key (string) (optional) An opaque string that the gateway can use to prove it’s identity (keep this safe!).
- auto_update (boolean) (optional) Wether or not the gateway has auto updates enabled.
- activated (boolean) (optional) Wether or not the gateway has been activated.
- token (object) (optional) A token the gateway can use to authenticate itself to components of the network.
- expires_in (integer) The number of seconds before the token expires.
- access_token (string) The signed JWT that can be used to authenticate.
- router (object) The router the gateway should talk to.
- id (string) The id of the router.
- address (string, url) The gRPC address of the router the gateway will talk to.
- mqtt_address (string, url) The MQTT address of the router the gateway will talk to.
- fallback_routers (array) (optional) List of fallback routers that the gateway should attempt to connect to when the primary one is down.
- (object)
- id (string) The id of the router.
- address (string, url) The gRPC address of the router the gateway will talk to.
- mqtt_address (string, url) The MQTT address of the router the gateway will talk to.
- (object)
- (object)
POST /gateways #
Registers a gateway on the account server and adds the user as its first collaborator.
in | name | required | description |
body | gateway | false | The gateway to create. |
Request Body
- (object)
- id (string) The ID if the new gateway.
- frequency_plan (string) The frequency plan the new gateway will use.
- location (object) (optional)
- longitude (number) (optional) The longitude.
- latitude (number) (optional) The latitude.
- altitude (integer) (optional) The altitude.
- auto_update (boolean) (optional) Wether or not the gateway should automatically update itself.
Response: 201 #
The gateway was succesfully registered.
- (object)
- id (string) The globally unique identifier of the gateway.
- frequency_plan (string) The frequency plan the gateway is using.
- frequency_plan_url (string, url) The URL of the frequency plan description.
- location_public (boolean) Wether or not the location is public.
- owner_public (boolean) Wether or not the owner is public.
- status_public (boolean) Wether or not the status is public.
- attributes (object) A free form map of gateway attributes.
- antenna_location (object) (optional) The (gps) location of the gateway antenna.
- longitude (number) (optional) The longitude.
- latitude (number) (optional) The latitude.
- altitude (integer) (optional) The altitude.
- collaborators (array) (optional) A list of collaborators that have access to the gateway.
- (object)
- username (string) The username of the collaborator.
- email (string, email) The email address of the collaborator.
- rights (array) The rights the collaborator has to the specified application or gateway.
- (string)
- (object)
- key (string) (optional) An opaque string that the gateway can use to prove it’s identity (keep this safe!).
- auto_update (boolean) (optional) Wether or not the gateway has auto updates enabled.
- activated (boolean) (optional) Wether or not the gateway has been activated.
- token (object) (optional) A token the gateway can use to authenticate itself to components of the network.
- expires_in (integer) The number of seconds before the token expires.
- access_token (string) The signed JWT that can be used to authenticate.
- router (object) The router the gateway should talk to.
- id (string) The id of the router.
- address (string, url) The gRPC address of the router the gateway will talk to.
- mqtt_address (string, url) The MQTT address of the router the gateway will talk to.
- fallback_routers (array) (optional) List of fallback routers that the gateway should attempt to connect to when the primary one is down.
- (object)
- id (string) The id of the router.
- address (string, url) The gRPC address of the router the gateway will talk to.
- mqtt_address (string, url) The MQTT address of the router the gateway will talk to.
- (object)
Response: 409 #
The gateway could not be created because the ID is already taken.
- (object)
- code (number) The error status code (corresponds to the HTTP status code).
- error (string) A human-readable description of what went wrong.
GET /gateways/{gw_id} #
Gets the application specified by the gw_id
in | name | type | required | description |
path | gw_id | string | true | The ID of the gateway. |
Response: 200 #
Gateway found.
- (object)
- id (string) The globally unique identifier of the gateway.
- frequency_plan (string) The frequency plan the gateway is using.
- frequency_plan_url (string, url) The URL of the frequency plan description.
- location_public (boolean) Wether or not the location is public.
- owner_public (boolean) Wether or not the owner is public.
- status_public (boolean) Wether or not the status is public.
- attributes (object) A free form map of gateway attributes.
- antenna_location (object) (optional) The (gps) location of the gateway antenna.
- longitude (number) (optional) The longitude.
- latitude (number) (optional) The latitude.
- altitude (integer) (optional) The altitude.
- collaborators (array) (optional) A list of collaborators that have access to the gateway.
- (object)
- username (string) The username of the collaborator.
- email (string, email) The email address of the collaborator.
- rights (array) The rights the collaborator has to the specified application or gateway.
- (string)
- (object)
- key (string) (optional) An opaque string that the gateway can use to prove it’s identity (keep this safe!).
- auto_update (boolean) (optional) Wether or not the gateway has auto updates enabled.
- activated (boolean) (optional) Wether or not the gateway has been activated.
- token (object) (optional) A token the gateway can use to authenticate itself to components of the network.
- expires_in (integer) The number of seconds before the token expires.
- access_token (string) The signed JWT that can be used to authenticate.
- router (object) The router the gateway should talk to.
- id (string) The id of the router.
- address (string, url) The gRPC address of the router the gateway will talk to.
- mqtt_address (string, url) The MQTT address of the router the gateway will talk to.
- fallback_routers (array) (optional) List of fallback routers that the gateway should attempt to connect to when the primary one is down.
- (object)
- id (string) The id of the router.
- address (string, url) The gRPC address of the router the gateway will talk to.
- mqtt_address (string, url) The MQTT address of the router the gateway will talk to.
- (object)
Response: 404 #
Gateway not found.
- (object)
- code (number) The error status code (corresponds to the HTTP status code).
- error (string) A human-readable description of what went wrong.
PATCH /gateways/{gw_id} #
Edits the gateway specified by the gw_id
in | name | type | required | description |
path | gw_id | string | true | The ID of the gateway. |
Response: 204 #
Gateway successfully edited.
Response: 400 #
Gateway editing failed.
- (object)
- code (number) The error status code (corresponds to the HTTP status code).
- error (string) A human-readable description of what went wrong.
Response: 401 #
The request is not authorized.
- (object)
- code (number) The error status code (corresponds to the HTTP status code).
- error (string) A human-readable description of what went wrong.
Response: 403 #
The request was authorized, but did not have the correct rights.
- (object)
- code (number) The error status code (corresponds to the HTTP status code).
- error (string) A human-readable description of what went wrong.
Response: 404 #
The gateway does not exist.
- (object)
- code (number) The error status code (corresponds to the HTTP status code).
- error (string) A human-readable description of what went wrong.
DELETE /gateways/{gw_id} #
Removes the gateway specified by the gw_id
in | name | type | required | description |
path | gw_id | string | true | The ID of the gateway. |
Response: 204 #
Succesfully removed the gateway.
Response: 401 #
The request is not authorized.
- (object)
- code (number) The error status code (corresponds to the HTTP status code).
- error (string) A human-readable description of what went wrong.
Response: 403 #
The request was authorized, but did not have the correct rights to delete the gateway.
- (object)
- code (number) The error status code (corresponds to the HTTP status code).
- error (string) A human-readable description of what went wrong.
Response: 404 #
The gateway does not exist.
- (object)
- code (number) The error status code (corresponds to the HTTP status code).
- error (string) A human-readable description of what went wrong.
GET /gateways/{gw_id}/collaborators #
in | name | type | required | description |
path | gw_id | string | true | The ID of the gateway. |
Response: 200 #
The list of collaborators.
- (array)
- (object)
- username (string) The username of the collaborator.
- email (string, email) The email address of the collaborator.
- rights (array) The rights the collaborator has to the specified application or gateway.
- (string)
- (object)
Response: 401 #
The request is not authorized.
- (object)
- code (number) The error status code (corresponds to the HTTP status code).
- error (string) A human-readable description of what went wrong.
Response: 403 #
The request was authorized, but did not have the correct rights to view the gateway collaborators.
- (object)
- code (number) The error status code (corresponds to the HTTP status code).
- error (string) A human-readable description of what went wrong.
Response: 404 #
The gateway does with the specified ID not exist.
- (object)
- code (number) The error status code (corresponds to the HTTP status code).
- error (string) A human-readable description of what went wrong.
GET /gateways/{gw_id}/collaborators/{username} #
in | name | type | required | description |
path | gw_id | string | true | The ID of the gateway. |
path | username | string | true | The username of a collaborator. |
Response: 200 #
Found a collaborator.
- (object)
- username (string) The username of the collaborator.
- email (string, email) The email address of the collaborator.
- rights (array) The rights the collaborator has to the specified application or gateway.
- (string)
Response: 401 #
The request is not authorized.
- (object)
- code (number) The error status code (corresponds to the HTTP status code).
- error (string) A human-readable description of what went wrong.
Response: 403 #
The request was authorized, but did not have the correct rights to view the gateway collaborators.
- (object)
- code (number) The error status code (corresponds to the HTTP status code).
- error (string) A human-readable description of what went wrong.
Response: 404 #
The gateway does with the specified ID not exist.
- (object)
- code (number) The error status code (corresponds to the HTTP status code).
- error (string) A human-readable description of what went wrong.
PUT /gateways/{gw_id}/collaborators/{username} #
in | name | type | required | description |
path | gw_id | string | true | The ID of the gateway. |
path | username | string | true | The username of a collaborator. |
body | rights | true | The rights you want to grant the collaborator |
Request Body
- (array)
- (string)
Response: 201 #
The rights where succesfully added to the collaborator.
Response: 400 #
Something went wrong when adding or updating the collaborator.
- (object)
- code (number) The error status code (corresponds to the HTTP status code).
- error (string) A human-readable description of what went wrong.
Response: 401 #
The request is not authorized.
- (object)
- code (number) The error status code (corresponds to the HTTP status code).
- error (string) A human-readable description of what went wrong.
Response: 403 #
The request was authorized, but did not have the correct rights to edit the gateway collaborators.
- (object)
- code (number) The error status code (corresponds to the HTTP status code).
- error (string) A human-readable description of what went wrong.
Response: 404 #
The gateway does with the specified ID not exist.
- (object)
- code (number) The error status code (corresponds to the HTTP status code).
- error (string) A human-readable description of what went wrong.
DELETE /gateways/{gw_id}/collaborators/{username} #
Removes a collaborator from the gateway.
It is not possible to
- remove the last collaborator with the
right from an gateway
in | name | type | required | description |
path | gw_id | string | true | The ID of the gateway. |
path | username | string | true | The username of a collaborator. |
Response: 204 #
The collaborator was succesfully removed from the application.
Response: 401 #
The request is not authorized.
- (object)
- code (number) The error status code (corresponds to the HTTP status code).
- error (string) A human-readable description of what went wrong.
Response: 403 #
The request was authorized, but did not have the correct rights to remove gateway collaborators.
- (object)
- code (number) The error status code (corresponds to the HTTP status code).
- error (string) A human-readable description of what went wrong.
Response: 404 #
The gateway does with the specified ID not exist.
- (object)
- code (number) The error status code (corresponds to the HTTP status code).
- error (string) A human-readable description of what went wrong.
GET /gateways/{gw_id}/rights #
in | name | type | required | description |
path | gw_id | string | true | The ID of the gateway. |
Response: 200 #
The rights you have to the application.
- (array)
- (string)