The gateway comes standard with a mounting system which both supports a wall and pole mount option.
It is recommended to mount the gateway outside as it’ll improve the coverage. This should also be quite easy as the gateway is water proof and can have an offsite power supply dude to the PoE integration.
Flat surface #
- The gateway can be mounted against a wall as show in the picture below
- The antenna can be mounted on the holder. This holder can be mounted on the gateway frame or the wall it self
Poll (with straps) #
- The gateway can be mounted against a pole by using straps
- The antenna can be mounted against the frame of the gateway or the pole by using a strap.
Poll (with u-bolt) #
- The gateway kit comes standard with a U-bolt. The gateway can be mounted against a pole by using this U-bolt.
- The antenna rests upon the gateway frame in this case.