myDevices Cayenne allows you to quickly design, prototype, and visualize IoT solutions. You can use Cayenne as a tool to visualize real-time and historical data, sent over The Things Network.
Change the payload to Cayenne LPP #
In order to display your content in the Cayenne dashboard, the payload has to be encoded with the Cayenne Low Power Payload (Cayenne LPP).
CayenneLPP contains metadata for Cayenne to understand what data comes into their dashboard. As part of each data value, we need to define the identifier and what type of data it is. The first byte is the identifier, the
Channel ID
. The second byte is the data typeData Type
. Please have a look here to find more information on the Cayenne LPP.
Sending uplink #
Documentation about altering your Arduino Sketch to encode data with CayenneLPP
can be found here.
Example code:
TheThingsNetwork ttn(loraSerial, debugSerial, freqPlan);
CayenneLPP lpp(51); // create a buffer of 51 bytes to store the payload
lpp.reset(); // clear the buffer
lpp.addTemperature(1, 22.5); // on channel 1, add temperature, value 22.5°C
lpp.addBarometricPressure(2, 1073.21); // channel 2, pressure
lpp.addGPS(3, 52.37365, 4.88650, 2); // channel 3, coordinates
ttn.sendBytes(lpp.getBuffer(), lpp.getSize());
Receiving downlink #
In order to send data to your device as downlink message, you need to make an output channel available as part of an uplink message. You only need to do that once. Both digital and analog are available.
lpp.addDigitalOutput(4, 1); // channel 4, set digital output high
lpp.addAnalogOutput(5, 120.0); // channel 5, set analog output to 120
For digital outputs, a switch will appear to set the output high or low. For analog outputs, you get a slider to set the analog value. Changes in these controls trigger a downlink message.
Set the Payload Format in the Console #
After encoding data with CayenneLPP, have a look at the console to change the Payload Formats
- Go to your Application in The Things Network Console and click Payload Formats
- In the dropdown menu select Cayenne LPP instead of Custom
Set up your myDevices account #
- Create an account on myDevices
- Log-in and click on LoRa

- Select The Things Network at the bottom of the left menu bar, click on Cayenne LPP and fill in your DevEUI of your device (which you can find in the Console)
Add the myDevices Cayenne integration in the Console #
Go to your application in the Console and add the MyDevices integration via Add Integration
Think of a name for your Process ID
Add the integration
Build your Cayenne dashboard #
Click the device on the left side of your dashboard in Cayenne and your data as well as the actions buttons are shown right away. After a bit of editing you can make quite some fancy stuff.
🎉 Now impress some folks with this amazing dashboard you built on Twitter, using @thethingsntwrk @CayenneIoT