Aqua-Scope Monitor AQSWIE02
The Aqua-Scope Monitor detects water leaks and records the temperature, water pressure and with some …
Ball Valve Servo BVSLWE01
The Aqua-Scope Ball Valve Servo consists of a patented motor coupling that fits with existing ball …
Flood Sensor
The Aqua-Scope Water Sensor has a built-in water sensor and a freeze sensor that detects water leaks …
Flood Sensor FLOLWE01
The Flood Sensor detects the presence of water on its exposed sensor pins and sends an alarm message …
Gate Valve Servo KFRLWE01
The motor drive for angled seat valves (KFR valves) or normal straight-seated shut-off valves allows …
LoRain Rain Gauge RANLWE01
This rain sensor measures the amount of rainfall at its location using a tipping bucket mechanism, …
Ultrasonic Clamp-On Water Meter AQMLWE01
The water sensor clamp measures the flow and temperature in a water pipe using a "Time of Flight" …
Water Pressure Sensor PRSWIE02
The Aqua-Scope pressure sensor records the water pressure in the drinking water distribution or in …